CHEM 301
Environmental Chemistry Definitions
Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines
European Standards for Drinking Water
Comparison of International Drinking Water Standards
Mechanisms Controlling World Water Chemistry, Science (1970), 170, 1088-1090
Equilibrium constants: Kw, Ka, Ksp Acids/bases: pH, pKa
Redox: oxidation states, Eo Thermodynamics: DGo
Chemistry Review Handout and Solutions to Review Exercises
Introduction to Activity and Activity Co-efficients
Textbook Study Questions; 1 - 11 (Chap 9)
Hydrologic and biogeochemical cycles, role of dissolved gases and solids
Introduction to alkalinity, hardness, dissolved organic matter
Physical Properties of Natural Waters
Typical Ion Concs and Residence Times
Practice Problems and Solutions
Water Constituents and Pollutants
Excel spreadsheet Ionic Strength Calculations
Excel spreadsheet Activity Coefficient Calculations
Excel spreadsheet Charge Balance, Ionic Strength and Debye-Huckel Activity Co-efficients
Textbook Study Questions; 1 - 9 (Chap 10)
Acid - Base Equilibria: carbonates, phosphates and ammonia equilbria
Redox Equilibria: electrode potentials, Nernst equation and pE
pE and pH relationships Practice Problems with Solutions
Excel Spreadsheet pH Speciation for Generic Monoprotic acid
Excel Spreadsheet pH Speciation for Phosphate system
More on Residence Times and Box Models; Examples (scanned solutions)
Textbook Study Questions; 3 - 12, 14
Solubility of inert and reactive gases: Henry’s law, temperature effects
Excel Spreadsheet Temperature Dependence of O2 solubility
Excel Spreadsheet pH Dependence of Total Carbonates and Alkalinity
Example Questions - Carbonates
Organic Matter in Water Readings: Chapter 12
Textbook Study Questions; 1, 2, 4, 6, 8
Origins, fate and chemical interactions involving humic material: DOM, POM
Ni - FACO2- complexation example
Anthropogenic molecules: soaps and detergents, complexing agents, biocides
Complexes with humic substances
Solution to the Ni-Fulvic Acid Example problem
Surface properties, adsorption phenomena, partitioning
Clay minerals and cation exchange capacity
Oxidation: BOD, COD and TOC
Nitrification and Denitrification reactions: pEo(w)
Introduction and Overview of Water Treatment
Treatment and disinfection chemistry: chlorination, ozonation and advanced oxidation
Remediation and waste disposal technologies
Summary of Treatment or Removal Processes
Common Chemical Tertiary Treatments