CHEM 302
Course Handouts - 2017
Review: Gas Phase Concentrations Practice Questions (and Answers) Worked Solutions
Useful Equations and Review Week One
Composition and Structure Lecture
Thermal structure and composition of the atmosphere
Residence time of atmospheric gases and regional variability
Blackbody radiation and atmospheric windows
Solar and terrestrial light penetration
Biogeochemical cycling (handout)
More on Residence Times and Half-lifes
Reactions and calculations in atmospheric chemistry
Everything you ever needed to know about Chemical Kinetics, but were afraid to ask (handout)
Review: Gas Phase Kinetics Practice Questions (and Answers) Worked Solutions
Cool Stuff: KCVS Structure of the Atmosphere Applet
The ozone layer and Chapman reactions; Modeling Ozone Layer
Introduction to Photochemistry
Catalytic decomposition of ozone
Chlorofluorocarbon chemistry
Polar hole formation
Review: Photochemistry Practice Questions (and Answers) Worked Solutions
Hydroxyl radical chemistry
Internal combustion engine exhaust
Review: Tropospheric Chemistry Practice Questions (and Answers) worked solutions
Atmospheric production of nitric and sulfuric acids
Rain, snow and fog chemistries
Short and long range acid transport
Control technologies for sulfur and nitrogen emissions
Review: Aqueous Gases/Acid Rain Practice Questions (and Answers) Worked Solutions
6. Atmospheric Aerosols Readings: Chapter 6
Sources, concentrations and atmospheric lifetimes
Abatement strategies for particulate emissions
Review: Aerosol Residence Times Practice Questions (and Answers)
Pollutants in urban atmospheres
Indoor air quality, airborne contaminants and exposure thresholds
Review: Air Exchange Rates Practice Questions (and Answers) Worked Solutions
Lectures - Chemistry of Global Climate
Lecture - Causes and Implications of Climate Change
Thermal structures revisited and the solar energy balance
IR absorption spectra, greenhouse gases and aerosols
Relative importance of greenhouse gases
Carbon based fuels and alternative energy supplies
Review: Global Warming Practice Questions (and Answers) Worked Solutions