Math 152 Exam Notes
Office Hours:I will be in my office (359/201)
from 10:00-12:00 on the following days for extra help:
Mon Apr 12, Tue Apr 13,
Thu Apr 15, and Fri Apr 16
Exam Outline:
The exam will consist of approximately 12 questions,
one question per page, some with multiple parts. You
will be given the standard formula sheet, and you may use a
basic scientific (non-graphing/non-prgrammable)
calculator. You can expect
- one page on basic function theory including
inverse functions and the basic properties of
exponential and logarithmic functions. You should be
able to
- compute function compositions and determine
the domain.
- find a formula and sketch the graph of
f-1(x) given f(x).
- simplify expressions using the laws of
exponents and logarithms.
- compute logarithms using the change of base
- one page of exponential and logarithmic
- one page of applications of exponential and
logarithmic functions. Applications include
- Population growth,
- Exponential decay (radioactive decay and
radio-carbon dating), and
- Newton's law of cooling and heating.
- one or two pages of circle trigonometry
- one page on sketching a transformed trigonometric
- one page of trigonometric equations.
- one page of solving triangles, including problems
requiring the law of sines or cosines.
- one page of trigonometry applications (word
- one page of matrix algebra, including matrix
- one page on solving systems of equations by
matrix reduction.
- one page on the theory of arithmetic and
geometric sequences and series.
- one page of applications (word problems)
involving arithmetic and geometric series, possibly
including a compound interest problem.
Extra Practice:
Here are some exams from past years. The format is
somewhat different from that described above, but the
problems are all good practice:
- Practice Final
Exam (solutions)
- Spring 2009
Final Exam (solutions)
- Spring 2008
Final Exam (solutions).
Omit 4(c), and note that the solutions use a method
of matrix reduction which differs slightly from the
one we covered.
- Spring 2007
Final Exam (solutions).
Omit 1(a), (b), (c), (d), 2 and 7(a). Note that the
solutions use a method of matrix reduction which
differs slightly from the one we covered.
- Spring 2006
Final Exam (solutions).
Note that the solutions use a method of matrix
reduction which differs slightly from the one we
- Some harder practice problems
(solutions: shorter
problems | longer problems) Omit
question of the Shorter Problems, 16(b) and
17(b) of the Longer Problems.