Doug Corrin

Forestry Department

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GEOG 226






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GEOG 226 - Spatial Data & Analysis

Exam Preparation


Composition of the Exam:

  • expect about 50% to be calculation-based questions

  • you will be working with maps (and possibly air photos), so you will need

    • calculator (cell phones/ IPods NOT allowed)

    • ruler (30cm)

    • perhaps a couple of different colours of pens/pencils for diagrams



  • For "concept questions" refer to the Terms & Concepts page, the Lecture Outlines and the text.

  • For calculation questions I first go to old labs (and then edit the question) and second, well ... I just make up something new.  Redo (review) old labs for practice.  Try changing the numbers slightly before redoing.

  • Practice Questions (answer key - hey, I was tired when I did it)

  • Click on the "Help with the Math" link.

  • Use the lecture outlines as an interactive quiz - i.e. try to remember the content before you click to expand the topic.

  • Print off the mind maps and add your own notes.  Better yet, make your own mind map.



Writing the Exam:

  • Be sure of what the question is asking.  Seek clarification if uncertain.

  • Layout your answer in a clear fashion - I can't mark what I can't follow.

  • Take careful measurements when required (nearest 0.5mm)
  • Only round values at the end for presentation, i.e. if I ask for the answer to be to the nearest 1/10th of a metre - do not round for intermediate calculations.
  • Underline (or put a box around) your final answer.