CHEM 301
Monday’s 1:30 – 2:20 pm B210-260 (attendance mandatory)
Discussion/seminar sessions led by students on a topic or issue related to Aquatic Chemistry based on stories from the popular science media.
Objectives of case study sessions:
Responsibilities of discussion leader:
Responsibilities of class members:
Read the selected news article before the seminar.
Submit via email to me by the end of Friday preceding the Case Study one question on the selected news article.
Participate in the class discussion during/after seminar presentation.
Class questions will be reviewed by me and forwarded to the presenter by Monday morning so they can choose to address them as part of their class discussion.
Suggested Articles for CHEM 301 Case Studies 2018
tentative assignment
Olivier - Flint water
Brandon - Microplastics in great lakes
Arden - Radionuclides in water
Gabriel - trihalomethanes in drinking water
Maegan - Arsenic from gold mines
Breanna - Florida algal bloom
Misha - microplastics and transfer of POPs
Andrew - mitigating ocean acidification
Jennifer - pharmaceutical waste
Gurdit - PFOA/PFOS in drinking water
Melissa - Mercury in N. Ontario waters
Nathan - Sunscreens in aquatic environment
Tentative Schedule
Sept 17 - cancelled
Sept 24
Bottle vs Tap: 7 Things to Known About Drinking Water Erik Krogh
Oct 1
Is There Atrazine in Your Drinking Water?
Oct 8 - Arden (radionuclides) and Gabriel (DBPs)
Oct 15 - Review Mid-term 1
Oct 22
Oct 29 - Guest Lecture (Wiley Evans)
Nov 5 - Study Week
Nov 12 - Olivier (Lead in DW) and Breanna (Algal blooms)
Nov 19 - Jennifer (PPCPs) and Gurdit (PFOS/PFOA)
Nov 26 - Misha (microplastics) and Sean (ocean acidification)
Dec 3 - Melissa (mercury) and Nathan (suncreens)
Other possible sources of information:
Textbook and other course resources listed here
Newspaper articles
Government publications
Eg. Science News
Other Useful Links: Environment Canada - NWRI
Health Canada - Drinking Water Guidelines
US EPA Drinking
Water Contaminants
Geological Survey, Water Resources
Monitoring and Assessment Programme
International Water Association
World Health Organization - Drinking Water
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
Grading (includes 50% anonymous peer evaluation)
Preparation and Chemistry Content /4
Organization and Presentation /3
General Interest and Discussion /3
Tentative Scheduling 2018
REVIEW - Thermodynamics and Kinetics (Erik)
Case Study 1 - What's in Your Bottled Water? (Erik)
Case Study 2 & 3 - Hypoxia and Marine Dead Zones and Agricultural Impacts and Eutrophication
Case Study 4 - Saltwater Intrusion
Review of Electrochem & pe/pH diagrams
Case Study 5 & 6 - Hydraulic Fracturing & Oils Spills
Research Paper Assignment
Case Study 7& 8 - Marine Anti-foulants & Microplastics
Case Study 9 & 10 - Disinfection by-products in drinking water & Endochrine Disruptors/PPCPs
Case Study 11 & 12 - Acid Rain affects and impacts of terrestrial environment & Heavy Metal Removal
Case Study 11 -Arsenic in Drinking Water & The Chemistry of Water and Wastewater Treatment
REVIEW Final Exam (Erik)