This is the first case pitch competition for MARK 460.
Students will form large groups of 7 (or as instructed by the professor). The deliverables and activities are as follows:
All teams will be given the same case to analyze the second day of classes (hand out). Students are expected to utilize knowledge acquired throughout their BBA program to analyze, assess, evaluate, and recommend a preferred alternative for the case in question. The case report is due FIRST (January 23rd). You are expected to hand in "four printed copies" of the case report (send one digital version to your professor before start of class). Please follow the following guidelines for your type written work:
1. Double Spaced and FLUSH LEFT margins (with extra line
space between paragraphs)
2. Arial 12 pt. Font
3. Use headlines and sub-heads to organize the content
4. Provide a cover page (sample)
5. Appropriate APA referencing formatting and reference list.
6. It is imperative that you, at minimum, identify: the key issue, alternatives
considered, your decision criteria for selecting an alternative, your preferred
alternative, justification and forecasting.
The latter should take into consideration the needs of the consumer by focusing on a uniquely identifiable customer segment (based on more than one segmentation criteria). It would be prudent to define the characteristics and needs of this segment succinctly for the reader. This should then lead to a determination of the market size (customers), units sold, profit per unit sold, cost of obtaining this additional market share, and any implications on the company that this targeted approach may entail.
The winning team will be based on the summation of marks received from other team's peer evaluations (3%) and case pitch competition (5%). A tie will be awarded to the tying team with the higher grade earned during the pitch.
Each team will be provided with two cases to evaluate (one from each of two other teams). You will have 1.5 hours of class time to complete this exercise on January 25th (please provide two summary documents by your entire team for each case (one for each of the team reports evaluated and a copy of each for the professor - (2x2 = 4) in total). Use this document to assess the Case Reports.
After reviewing the peer evaluation you will have an opportunity to update your case and present a 10 minute PITCH of your Case Analysis and Recommendation. Both the professor and guest judges will be present to evaluate your team's pitch. Remember this is not a presentation of your work, rather it is a PITCH! You are selling (winning buy-in for) your recommendation. As such, it needs to be founded in well defined parameters that address the key issues of the case in a creative yet justifiable manner. The format and approach is up to your team.