Welcome to Psychology 441

Theories of Addiction


Book List 1

Book List 2




Exam Questions ...some of them :)

1.       How does DSM-V change from the DSM-IV on how substance abuse is classified?

2.       In the article “Free Will, Black Swans and Addiction” what are the black and white swans? How do the authors see free will?

3.       Can we hold an addict responsible for their behavior? Support your answer.

4.       What role does dopamine and the reward system play in mediating addiction?

5.       Do drug hijack the brain? Support your answer?

6.       How does the belief in free will change behavior.

7.       Is there a genetic component to drug addiction….does that impact how you view addiction?

8.       Is there an SUD phenotype?

9.       Does epigenetics play an important role in explaining some of the variance seen in addiction? Support your answers.

10.   Dose treatment work? Explain.

11.   Does AA work? Explain.

12.   List are some characteristics in an individual or their environment that predict abuse.

13.   What is wrong with the brain disease model of addiction?

14.   Explain “wanting”, “liking” and Incentive-Sensitization Theory.

15.   Lewis see addiction as a developmental disorder ….explain what you think about his perspective.

16.   Is Nora Volkow crazy? Support your answer.

17.   Bruce Alexander does not believe addiction even exist….what do you think about that?

18.   Alexander has Rat Park and the dislocation theory of addiction. What are your thoughts on his perspective? Good and bad.

19.   Szasz sees addiction as …..

20.   How does Stanton Peele see addiction and AA?

21.   What can we learn from the 5 stores of hope?

22.   What are the 5 reasons why anecdotes are totally worthless? Do you agree?

23.   What is wrong with the self-medication hypothesis?

24.   How do you see trauma and addiction?

25.   Do you think process addiction is the same or different than addiction to a substance?

26.   What do you think of Mate’s perspective?

27.   What does the history of drugs in North America teach us?

28.   Why is it against the law to take some drugs and not other?

29.   Why does Elliott not like the word addiction?

30.   Are safe opioid dispensing machine a way out of the fentanyl crisis? Explain.

31.   Genes and environment affect liability to SUD…how?

32.   Can attachment style be used to explain addiction? If yes, how?

33.   What are the social determinants of addiction?

34.   As a psychologist what role do you think attractiveness plays in addiction?

35.   What is the Matthew Effect and can it help explain addiction?

36.   What do you think about “The Oaks” and the managed drinking program?

37.   What is your definition of addiction…now? Support your answer with material from the class.