Vancouver Island University

Psyc 441

Theories of Addiction

Spring 2018


Class Date/Time:              Tuesday 18:00-21:00

Instructor:                         Elliott Marchant

Office Location:                Building 356, Room 109

Office Hours:                    Posted on office door or by appointment

Telephone:                        753-3245 extension 2136





Links to individual papers will be posted on this website along with a collection of books place on reserve in the library.



There is a great deal of debate concerning why people take drugs, why do some people find it so hard to quit, what substances should be regulated or decriminalized, what is really causing the harm and how should we go about fixing things. Drug controversies occur in many different arenas: political, legal, medical, scientific, social, philosophical/ethical, psychological, and others. In this course we will explore, in some depth, the reasoning and evidence underlying different theories of addiction and how these theories impact the treatment of those addicted to drugs. Theories highlighted include the disease model, the medical model, the seduction model, the learning model, the environmental/social inequity model, social determinants of behavior and the relationship between mindfulness and addiction.


Course Objectives

1)      To gain a better understanding of diverse issues related to both licit and illicit drug use

2)      To appreciate different theories of drug addiction and how that relates to the treatment of the user

3)      Improve your ability to critical evaluate claims

4)      Gain experience organizing, presenting and defending a position on an issue, both orally and in writing.

5)      Identify some of the issues impacting our local communities right now


Major Assignments and Expectations


Exam:  There will only be one final exam in this class 25% of your final grade.  

Assignment 1. Read two books from reserve list (or approved book of your choosing) and write a book report what the central premise is, perspective of the author on addiction, its etiology and etc. One book report is due at the end of January and the second is due at the end of February. Each report should be around 5 pages max and demonstrate that you have read and understood the book.  Each book report is worth 15% of your final grade. You need to use APA formatting and support what you say with evidence!


Assignment 2: A final position paper (10 pages max not including references) is required in this class.  Your paper should be based on peer-reviewed research and an argument supporting a specific position or point of view related to addiction, addiction theory, it's etiology, treatment etc. The project is due by March 20th and worth 25% of your final grade. The paper needs to be APA and again well researched and supported! I am not interested in your unsupported opinions.


Participation Mark - Each week you will be given an assignment/tasks and or quiz to complete. Sometime you will have to hand it in sometimes you will be asked to speak to it. 


Assignment 1 - 2x15%    Feb 6 at 6pm......March 6 at 6pm
Assignment 2  - 25%       March 20th at 6pm
Final Exam      - 25%
Participation    - 20%