CHEM 302
Assignments - Fall 2017
Assignment #1 Due date; Thursday, Sept. 28th attached figure
Assignment #2 Due date; October 12th
Assignment #3 Due date; November 16th
Assignment #4 Due date; December 5th
Past Assignments - 2015
Assignment #1 (attached figure) Solutions
Assignment #2 Solutions (follow up)
Choose a recent paper from the peer-reviewed scientific literature (journal articles) related to atmospheric environmental chemistry. Write a 2~3 page (~1000 word) summary of the topic including environmental context, chemistry and relevance to society. Criteria for choosing a lead journal article are that it be published with the last 5 yrs and that it includes some connection to core concepts in atmospheric chemistry (see course outline). Look for titles that include atmosphere (troposphere or stratosphere) and some reference to volatile organic compounds (VOCs or SVOCs).
Reference citation formatting instructions (follow these)
November 3 Choose a lead article and submit brief description including the following; full properly formatted reference citation with authors, title, journal, volume and pages; and one paragraph (max 250 words) describing what the authors report and how it relates to the course (5 marks).
December 1 Draft 2~3 pg (~ 1000 word) Research Paper
Tips for Authors
December 5 Submit Final Research Paper (45 marks)
Presentation - formatting, clarity and brevity of writing, proper reference citations
Quality and Context of Writing- appropriateness of breadth and depth
Content - demonstrated understanding of chemistry and core content chemistry
Research Assignment Marking Scheme
Useful Journal Links;
Environmental Science and Technology
Browse contents at:
Access full-text articles via Marlin --> Articles & Databases --> American Chem Soc Archives --> Environ. Sci Technol.
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
Browse contents at:
Access full-text articles via Marlin --> Articles & Databases --> Journals A-Z --> J. Atmos. Chem.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Access full-text articles via Marlin --> Articles & Databases --> Journals A-Z --> Atmos. Chem. Phys.