GEOL 312 - Environmental Geology - Lecture Notes

The lecture notes for Geology 312 are available as pdf documents.  

Unit Topic Suggested reading Lecture notes Additional information


Review, clay minerals, atmosphere and oceans and ancient life Read Chapter 16 in Keller on global change, especially the part on CO2 and global warming.  Access the material under "Additional information" to the right.

On February 2nd 2007  the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a summary of it's latest report on the Physical Science Basis of Climate Change. This report, which has taken 6 years to compile, is a collaborative effort of 3750 scientists from 130 countries .  

You can read more about the IPCC and access the important IPCC reports at its main website:


usgs-clays.pdf (U.S. Geological Survey)

USC-anderson-clays.pdf (University of S. California)

Excel tutorial


Earthquakes Read chapter 7 and visit my website on the 1700 Juan de Fuca earthquake.  

Complete the exercise on interpreting seismic data. to estimate magnitude using Richter's method

Refer to the following information on stress transfer:

Tsunami travel times

 unit2.pdf Have a look at this U. of Washington site on liquefaction.


Volcanoes Read chapter 8 and visit my websites on the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens and the Hawaii volcanoes unit3.pdf


The 7 signs of an imminent eruption



Glaciation, surficial deposits, soils and landslides Read the first half of Chapter 3 (up to rates of soil erosion) and all of Chapter 6.  Visit the website on Howe Sound debris flows.  Download and read the chapter on Landslides in SW BC from GSC Bull. 481. 

A depiction of global temperature changes over the past ~700 Ma. scotese-temp-through-time.gif

Time graphs of the orbital elements: eccentricity_graph.gif, tilt_graph.gif, precession_graph.gif

unit4.pdf Another way of looking at the Milankovitch cycles


Geological resources and environmental geochemistry Read chapters 10, 13, 14 and 15 unit5.pdf  


Geological issues in waste disposal, forestry and engineering  Read chapters 12 and 14 unit6.pdf