Wiener Zeitung

September 11, 1782

Trieste (2 September). At this time the Royal ship Count Kobenzl, under the command of Captain Bauer, has entered this port, having been under way since 19 April from London and since 26 of the month before last from Leghorn . She is laden with 550 pieces of lead, 109 chests of tinplate, 19 barrels of cloves, 29 bales of pepper, 30 barrels of coffee, 768 pieces of Campeche timber, 18 barrels of sugar, 15 of ginger, 3 boxes of spirit of vitriol, 1 chest of camphor, 35 barrels of tin, 2 chests of olive oil, 14 boxes of clockwork, 2 crates of ships’ tools, 141 packets of household utensils, 8 others of various wares—all consigned to Mr. Bolts.

Translated by Robert King.                                                                                 

German Original

Updated: June 13, 2018