Gazzetta Universale (*)

Florence - Tuesday April 24/1810, no. 39, p. 180, col. 1

Genoa, April 18

    It is reported from Pontremoli that in that city, on the 9th day of this month, the scholar and famous navigator sig. Alexandro Malaspina of Mulazzo passed away. One cannot fail to lament this loss, since the illustrious deceased made many interesting maritime discoveries, though they brought him great misfortune, which he endured with heroic equanimity. His demise is the more to be regretted if one considers that it was perhaps to be hoped that his writings, which are probably hidden in some obscure place, would be published, thus restoring to nautical science the boons that navigators of the great Ocean have pursued since time immemorial.
(*) This newspaper is irrecoverable. The text here translated is drawn from a manuscript by the Florentine Giuseppe Stiozzi Ridolfi. This friend of Malaspina copied the article and sent it to Father Massimiliano Ricca, who proposed to write the obituary of the Navigator. (APSF,  Ricca-Malaspina Collection, document 79.)

Italian Reproduction

Italian text and modern version courtesy of Dario Manfredi, translated by John Black.

Updated: June 13, 2018