Series, no. 10 - September-October 2005
edited by Dario Manfredi and Rossana Piccioli, translated by John Black
ª Cabra (Province of Córdoba) - Spain. October 17-23 there was a study week in memory of Dionisio Alcalá Galiano, the Andalusian officer who took part in the Malaspina Expedition and in several other scientific missions,
and who died heroically in the Battle of Trafalgar (1805). Several Malaspinistas were also present at this important
cultural event: José M. Alonso Ibarrola, Eric
Beerman, Juan R. Cabrera, José María Cano Trigo, Juan Castanedo, Andrew David,
Barry Gough, Robert King, Richard Inglis, Carlos Martínez-Shaw, Carlos Novi, Joseph
Opatrny, Mercedes Palau, Emilio Soler. Dario Manfredi, on behalf of the Centro, contributed a talk on “Echoes of Spanish Events in the Letters of Alexandro Malaspina and Felipe Bauzá (1803-1897).”
ª Alicante, Spain. On November 16, at the
University of Alicante, as part of the Cervantes celebrations,
Dario Manfredi will give as lecture entitled “An Essay on Cervantes by
Alexandro Malaspina: the Critical Comment on the
Our Archives
The Archives of the
Centro have been greatly enriched by another consignment of documents from the Ala Ponzone family archive. They deal mainly with the family trees of the important noble families of Lombardy. At the moment the collection is in the course of re-organization: as soon as the documents are catalogued and available for viewing we shall provide further news in this Newsletter.
Malaspina Research
Laurea. Research among the
documents kept in the Archives of the Centro has resulted in an important new achievement: Veronica Vita has graduated summa cum laude from the University of Bologna, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Department of Modern Literature,
on the strength of her thesis "Alexandro Malaspina: Explorer and Geographer" (supervised by Prof. Stefano Torresani). This work put to use for the first time the documents relating to Malaspina's activity when he was in charge of managing the sanitary cordon on the border between the Italian Republic and the Kingdom of Etruria in
1804. We send our hearty congratulations to the new Doctor Vita!
Publications Received by the Library of the Centro
de Humboldt, Ensayo
político sobre
Alejandro de Humboldt: una
nueva visión del mundo, Madrid, Museo nacional de
Ciencias Naturales,
2005, 238 pp.
This is the catalogue, richly illustrated,
of the exhibition of the same name (Madrid, October 4, 2005 - January 6, 2006).
El mundo de Alexander von Humboldt. Antología de textos,
Barcelona, Lunwerg, 2002, 270 pp.
C. Vidal, Diccionario del Quijote,
Barcelona, Planeta, 2005, 565 pp.
O. Raffo Maggini, B. Fusani (eds.), Carlo I Cybo Malaspina Principe di Massa e Marchese di Carrara
These are the proceedings of a conference held at Massa and at Carrara in 2001. We make particular mention of an article by D. Ceschi
on the heraldry of the Cybo Malaspinas.
G. Celeste, G. Tonelli (eds.), Il sommergibile italiano dal Delfino allo
We make particular mention ot the photographs of two artefacts connected with the submarine“Alessandro Malaspina”,
which, as is well known, sank during the Second World War: on p. 136 the crew's identity badge; and on p. 161 a sailor's cap-ribbon.
A. Faro, L’impresa fiumana e l’avvento del fascismo
Note the article by G. Benelli, Giuseppe Mazzini “dimenticato”, (pp.
GEOMETRA”, XXXVII (2005,) Supplement to no. 157
Monograph issue devoted to the stripping of the hill and fortress of the Cappuccinis
BANCARELLA”, n. 1 (2005).
Note the article by L. Sartorio, La luce dei secoli attraverso le fiamme dei
falò, (pp. 47-50).
Pedant's Corner
On page 5 of Flavio Serafini's volume Uomini e bastimenti
italiani di Capo Horn (Savigliano, Gribaudo, 2004, 437 pp.)
Alexandro Malaspina is described as "the first Italian to double Cape Horn!" The exclamation mark is the single new addition by the author who, for the rest, has repeated an entire passage from his own article of more than twenty years ago: Aspetti storici e tecnici della navigazione velica al capo Horn, “Atti
della Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere”,
XXXIX (1982), Genoa 1983, pp. 212-226; v. p. 218).
Centro di Studi Malaspiniani “Alessandro
Malaspina” – Mulazzo (MS)