of the Centro
Series, no. 2 – March 5, 2003
Edited by Dario Manfredi and Rossana
from Mulazzo
ª The Municipal Council of Mulazzo has approved its budget for 2003. Cultural initiatives include an ambitious plan for restructuring and expanding the Centro di Studi Malaspiniani - with additional funding from the Provincial administration of Massa-Carrara and of the Comunità Montana of Lunigiana - that will be completed in 2004. On this matter there were no objections raised even by the opposition councillors. All of this is warmly welcomed: it is a clear sign that our job is well understood and that culture doesn't divide but rather unites.
municipal administration of Mulazzo has granted honorary citizenship to the
illustrious wine connoisseur Luigi Veronelli. During the presentation the
Director of the Centro di Studi Malaspiniani reminded everyone of the interest
developed by Alexandro Malaspina in the wine of San Lucar (to which in the 18th
century antiscorbutic properties were attributed) and in Pajarete (wine that the
Navigator had sent from Spain up to the last months of his life). Dr. Veronelli
has asked to us to send him more information and materials, that he will put to
use in revealing this undocumented aspect of “Alexandro Malaspina, Wine
World News
Gijón (Cantabria, Spain).
Juan Castanedo informs us that the city of Gijón plans to commemorate, by way of
a publication, the ideas of Jovellanos concerning the development of that port.
Considering that the Count of Revillagigedo (Viceroy of New Spain from 1789 to
1794) was also from Gijón, and in addition that both Jovellanos and
Revillagigedo were proposed as ministers by Malaspina in his 1795 reform
project, it would be a good idea if the mutual relationships of these figures
were also investigated.
Activities of the Centro Malaspina
For those who are reading our newsletter
for the first time, our Centro deals not only with Alexandro Malaspina and his
scientific expedition, but also with the history in general of the Malaspina
family and therefore, by implication, with Lunigiana in its various aspects:
historical, prehistoric, folkloric and ethnographic.
This fact explains why the Centro is engaged in a series of initiatives that do
not concern Alexandro Malaspina or even his family, but only, in general, the
cultural patrimony of Lunigiana.
Dante Celebration
Mulazzo is preparing to celebrate the seventh centennial
(1306-2006) of Dante's refuge in Lunigiana. In 2003 the Centro will put together
the second edition of Livio Galanti's book Il soggiorno di Dante in Lunigiana.
In the book, originally published in 1985 and for a long time out-of print, the
well-known Dante scholar from Mulazzo examines, carefully and with rigorous
philological exactitude, some aspects of the Lunigianese "season" of Dante: when
he arrived, by whom he was entertained, what rôle was played by Brother Ilaro of
the Monastery of Corvo.
The volume will be published by the Centro Malaspina and the Centro Aullese di
Ricerche e Studi Lunigianesi, under the patronage of the Società Dante
Survey of the “Lyric May” of Tuscany, Liguria and Emilia
In Montereggio (in the Comune di Mulazzo) there remains alive a very ancient
tradition in which one can still hear the echoes of the most archaic spring
fertility rites: the “Song of May.” Montereggio is not the only village where
such a tradition is maintained; there are several others distributed across the
Tuscan, Ligurian and Emilian slopes of our mountains. But in every district the
“May” is sung in its own way, unique in comparison to the others. From this was
born the idea of organizing a survey of Mays, so that we would be able to
compare them and to study their similarities and differences.
The initiative, conceived by the Centro Studi
Montereggio-Lunigiana, will be organized by Pro Loco.
In August the Centro Malaspina will organize a study day on the meaning of the
“May” in Lunigianese folklore.
On Sunday March 16, at 4 pm, as part of the
series “Among
Meridians & Parallels. Voyages, Distant Lands, Diverse Cultures,”
Luisa Rossi, Lecturer in the History of Exploration at the University of Parma,
will give a lecture entitled:
A painter of butterflies among the Indians. Maria Sibylla Merian (1699-1701)
At about the same time, at the Morgan Library in New
York, a show will open devoted to manuscripts, prints, books, and natural
history sketches, in which Merian's original plates will also be exhibited.
Publications Received
Pierangelo Campodonico, I
Velieri di Domenico Gavarrone, Un pittore di navi a Genova nella seconda metà
dell’Ottocento, Tormena, Genoa, 2000, 144 pp.; ill.
Cecilia Tasca, Titoli e privilegi dell’antica città di Bosa, Cagliari, La Memoria, 1999, 398 pp.
Enrico Basso, Alessandro Soddu, L’Anglona negli atti del notaio Francesco da Silva (1320-1326), Perfugas, Comunità Montana, 2001, 272 pp.
Sandro Bertelli, Elisabetta Caldelli, Giuliana De Francesco, Silvia Fiaschi, Gabriella Pomaro (eds.), I manoscritti medievali delle province di Grosseto, Livorno, Massa Carrara, Florence, Region of Tuscany, 2002, ill.
Julio Retamal Ávila (ed.), Estudios coloniales. I, Santiago de Chile, Universidad Andrés Bello, 2000, 350 pp.
This book
collects together the papers given during the
Primer Encuentro de Historia Colonial, organized by the Andrés
Bello University.
Rafael Sagredo Baeza, Las
expediciones científicas del siglo XVIII y la Independencia de América.
“La Berio. Rivista semestrale di storia locale e di informazioni bibliografiche”, Genoa, XLII (2002), n. 2
We draw your attention to the following articles in this edition:
Danilo Bonanno, Emanuela Ferro,
Laura Malfatto, L’Inferno in una stanza: La collezione dantesca di
Evan Mackenzie alla Biblioteca Berio.
- Orietta Leone, Itinerari di lettura alla scoperta della Liguria:
Viaggiatori illustri nel Golfo dei Poeti.
Ferro, Il primo atlante moderno: il Theatrum orbis terrarum di
Abramo Ortelio.
Polo. Rivista trimestrale dell’Istituto Geografico Polare Silvio Zavatti”,
Fermo, LVII (2002), 1-2.
We draw your attention to the following articles in this edition:
- Gianluca Frinchillucci,
Silvio Zavatti e
l’esplorazione dell’isola Bouvet
Santiago M. Comerci, Giacomo Bove,
precursor antártico en Italia y en Argentina.
In Parma on February 13 and 14 there took place
an interesting seminar, which was organized by Luisa Rossi, and in which
researchers and teachers from the Universities of Parma, Rome, Genoa, Pavia,
Siena, Milan, Trieste, Macerata, Florence, Bologna and Grenoble participated,
entitled “At the End of the Voyage….”
The presentation that aroused the most lively debate was surely that of Claudio
Cerreti and Nadia Fusco: “The silencing of the unruly. Voyages and repressed
stories of black sheep.”
By the word “unruly” the presenters intended
to refer to the more than a few "troublesome" voyagers (and "troublesome" would
seem perhaps to be a more appropriate word) to whom historiographers have “given
the silent treatment.”
The presenters argued that, generally, the reason for these acts of ostracism
must be sought in the “environmental incompatibility” of certain voyagers
(incompatibility with the financer of the voyage) or in their cultural
limitations. But other researchers objected that their character, the historical
circumstances and the political climate could also have resulted in their being
overlooked in a way which today appears unjust. A presentation, in short, that
has provoked much reflection.
And we also have reflected on this, feeling that it touches us closely. In fact the one “notable by his absence” from the seminar was really Alexandro Malaspina, although his enterprise offers clues which can be analyzed from a variety of points of view. An absence that is duly noted by Ilaria Luzzana Caraci. And we ask oursleves if Malaspina too ought to be classified among the voyagers who are “unruly”, or troublesome, cumbersome, unpresentable, inopportune or inconvenient: in a word, “black sheep.”
Certainly Malaspina was “troublesome” in 1795, when, in the
Spain of Godoy, he dared to direct the Crown towards the "anarchic" and
"seditious" ideas he held (even if in the end they suggested nothing more than
what today we call devolution…), and it is well understood that he was
“silenced.” It is also well known that the same attitude was maintained a
century later, when the Spain of Alfonso XIII oversaw the final dissolution of
the immense empire of Charles V, the empire whose downfall Malaspina had feared.
But after that? Why the silence?
For many decades this could be explained by difficulties of
documentation, since the manuscripts are kept primarily in foreign archives. But
for the last decade all the most important journals and many memorials produced
by the Malaspina expedition have been published, and this excuse can no longer
be maintained. Furthermore, it is now possible to search library catalogues
online, so that one can easily know how to find the relevant books.
Someone might suggest that Malaspina «lleva mala sombra» [has fallen under the
shadow of bad luck] (as our Spanish friends nicely put it), but even those who
hint at this do not really believe it ...
There remains only one possible reason to
explain the persistent silence about Malaspina: the belief that, in this more
and more frantic world, one can only just find the time to write, and certainly
not the time to read the mountains of things that are written every day.
There could perhaps be another, which we ourselves cannot accept, namely that it
is not that Malaspina is “troublesome” but… that researchers prefer what is
convenient and familiar, or rather avoid the trouble of beating new paths. But
we don't want to believe this: our country has too bright an historiographic
tradition. a