Ciriaco Cevallos y Bustillo
Ciriaco Cevallos y Bustillo (ca.1767 – ca.1816), a native of Quijano, was
admitted in 1779 to the Escuela de Guardias Marinas in Cartagena. Ten years
later he took part in an expedition tracing the route of Magellan aboard
the frigate Saint María de la Cabeza, commanded by Antonio de
Córdoba. In 1791, together with José
Espinosa, he travelled to Mexico and joined the Malaspina
Expedition at Acapulco, where he was assigned to cartographic work. After
returning to Spain, he continued, until the arrest of Malaspina, to work on
the compilation of the results of the voyage. In 1798 he wrote a refutation
of Lorenzo Ferrer Maldonado's claim to have sailed through the Strait of
Anian. He was later assigned to the cartography of the Gulf of Mexico, and
worked on these surveys for a few years with subordinates including, among
others, Fabio Ala Ponzone and Jacobo Murphy, also
veterans of the Malaspina Expedition. For reasons which have never been made
clear, Cevallos left the Royal Navy and, about 1808, moved to New Orleans
(which already belonged to the United States of America); he died there, probably
in 1816, his thoughts having been turned always towards Spain.
For more information, see:
J.A. DEL RÍ0 - A. DEL RÍO, Marinos ilustres de Santander,
Santander, 1881, pp. 247-265.
E. BELLOTTIMarch 8, 2020os
(Lettere inedite 1803-1814), Mulazzo, Centro di Studi Malaspiniani, 1993,
14 pp.
M. PALAU BAQUERO, "Ciriaco Cevallos y Antonio de Tova,
dos montañeses en el Pacífico," A. OROZCO M. PALAU - J.M.
CASTANEDO (eds.), Malaspina y Bustamante '94. II Jornadas Internacionales
Conmemorativas del regreso de la Expedición a Cádiz. 1794-1994,
Cádiz - Santander, Real Academia Hispano Americana - Astilleros de
Guarnizo, 1996, pp. 134-143.
Image courtesy of the Centro
di Studi Malaspiniani, Mulazzo, Italy. Biographical and
bibliographical notes by Dario Manfredi (Italian
version), translated by John Black.