Mountain Pine Beetle

This page is intended as a resource for student in BIOL 357 - Entomology

"Is this gonna be on the test?" (a.k.a. the take away message)

It's nice to know up-front what information is critical.  So here it is, in question form.  Listen to the lecture with these questions in mind.


  1. What factors have contributed to the current outbreak?  What factors could contribute to a collapse of the epidemic?

  2. Differentiate between green, red and grey attack.  How does salvage logging relate to green-red-grey attack?  What about sanitation logging?
  3. Briefly describe the symbiotic relationship between the bark beetle and blue stain fungus.
  4. Describe the chemical communications (i.e. semiochemicals) utilized by bark beetles
  5. Discuss critical factors (key points) that contribute to the "success" of bark beetles.
  6. Provide an overview of the management strategies aimed at minimizing damage from mountain pine beetle.  Be sure to address both



The Lectures:



Supplemental Resources: