Bark Beetle Mgmt
Finding the needle in the haystack
size (big cylinders)
smell (kairomones: alcohol, pinene, myrcene)
It makes "scents"
aggregation pheromones
anti-aggregation pheromones
I got the blues
blue stain fungus (Ophiostoma, Ceratocystis)
symbiotic (overcome tree defences, "protection", moisture, nutrition)
Timing is everything
syncrony - in time with each other
phenology - in time with seasons
... survival & mass attack
I gotta go (or "hedging my bet")
local spread +
long distance disperal =
risk spreading strategy
flight - keep flying if bright & warm
host susceptibility
Stand resistance vs. Beetle Pop'n
Graph1: Stand Resistance vs. Beetle Numbers (epidemic / endemic)
stand resistance
density, competition
drought, stress
beetle numbers
mild winters
warm summers
abundant hosts
Graph 2: "combine" graph & mgmt approaches
long term (preventative)
short term (direct control)
Strategy vs. Tactic
salvage ... abandon
Preventative Mgmt (aka "good forestry")
Annual Monitoring
Aerial overview
Walk through
Landscape Level
Log most susceptible stands first
old (80+ yr), with high % Pl
Create an age class mosaic
old Pl patches are 'small in size' and separated in space
but ... "spreading out the cut" means increased roads
good for access for treatment
need proper construction & maintenance !
allow fire as natural disturbance
"breaks up the landscape" (as above)
less "old pine forest"
issues: public safety, bigger fires harder to suppress
Stand Level
Plan for shorter rotation age
minimize stands >80yrs (log when 80-100yr, not 100+ yrs)
Promote mixed species
ecologically appropriate
at planting
at spacing
Remove pine from mixed stands
for mature stands
get the Pl component before the beetle
Maintain tree vigour
primarily density control ...
juvenile spacing of younger stands
Beetle-proof stands
thin from below (i.e. leave larger, vigourous)
target inter-tree spacing 4-5m (<500 sph)
beetles no fly in 'strong wind'
pheromones 'swept away'
light & temp
beetles keep flying
tree vigour
increases resistance
Direct Control (aka "kickin' frass"')
Intensive pop'n monitoring
typical annual survey plus ...
beetle probes to determine green/red ratio
Fell the Trees
Sanitation Logging
'get the green attack' BEFORE emergence
most common for large infestations
most cost effective treatment
actual block includes green, red & non-attack
need to process logs (bark) before emergence
Spot Treatment
small & isolated patches
early attempts: fall, limb & expose to sun (rotate)
also fall and debark (labour intensive)
fall & burn
Salvage Logging
recover stand before value is lost
NO impact on beetle population
shelf life of dead pine
initially thought to be 4-8 years
now it's maybe 8-12 years
depends on
properties of the tree (size)
logging costs vs. product value
product (lumber, pulp chips, bioenergy)
has an big impact on AAC
AAC temporarily increased for salvage
falldown effect sooned and deeper if 5 yr shelf life assumed
Debarking Trees
not really a feasible treatment
issue: ALL bark needs to be removed
methods tried
by hand with long-handled tools (4 m)
wrap tree with detonating cord
tree monkey
Mass Trapping
pheromone traps to concentrate beetles
not a "stand alone" option
done with sanitation or spot trtmt
Repellant/ Anti-aggregation Pheromone
'pushes beetles' from high value stands/trees
push / pull treatment best
used in urban/rural areas
golf courses
Broadcast Fire
"sanitation fire" - get the green attack
can be difficult to manage
requires an intense fire to ensure brood mortality
(have used flame throwers)
public safety
can be $$ to extinguish
"Do Nothing" ('cept monitor)
aka abandon where ...
... inaccessible or inoperable
... protected areas (parks)
... area is just too fricking big
"Hard" Chemicals
funny to think about
agriculture use 91% of all pesticides
forestry accounts for 1%
municipal, golf, home & garden ... the rest
most regulated ...
"old school" (50's - 70's)
spray tree trunk
soaks in the bark
prevent attack or kills attacking beetles
carbaryl or permethrin / pyrethoids
env. issues ... not "operational" (but used in urban setting)
systemic injection
less env. issues
but ... blue stain & galleries block translocation
... need to be treated w/in 3 weeks of attack
... used MSMA (arsenic)
not used any more
High Value Trees
Protective Insecticide (carbaryl - Sevin or Dursban or permethrin - Astro)
Fibreglass wrap on trunk
wrap with verbenone pounch
close-up of wrap
close-up of pouch
guidelines for use