You are expected to participate in the MARKETING WEEK events. Your responsibility for this course is to apply the course skills to BUILD NETWORKING SKILLS. You are expected to make contact with at least two business community contacts (outside of VIU) at the MARKETING WEEK events or within your community. For each business/community contact you are to identify the following information and submit with a cover letter by email to before start of class March 4th in WORD .doc or .docx format (make sure to put MARK 362 MARKETING WEEK ASSIGNMENT in the subject line):
1. Contact First and Last Name
2. Contact Email address and/or business phone number
3. Contact Business Name
4. Contact Title
5. Contact Interests, such as: hobbies, business focus, areas of expertise
6. What do they say are the top 3 keys to success in their business, industry
or line of work?
OR 7. If a company or person wanted to do business with them,
what would be the top 3 needs that person would have to satisfy to get their
8. Something of interest to you that you learned about this contact that no one else in your class would know (explain how you came to learn this and why you found it interesting to you).
This assignment is worth 5 marks.
You earn 1 mark for having their contact names, title, email and/or phone number
as well as their business name. You earn 3 marks for having either question 6 or
7 answered. You earn 2 marks for having a unique answer to #8 if no one else in
the class knows this and only 1 mark if someone else says the same thing.