Individual Case Study – Management 192
Please select one of the following cases. Collaboration of discussion is encouraged. Collusion of development is considered plagiarism and is not acceptable. Please feel free to discuss the key issues of the case with your team mates. However, when researching and developing your case please make sure you write it on your own and come up with your own solutions/ideas.
The keys to a successful case analysis include:
Analysis of the key issues in the case.
Ability to identify key criteria and recommend solutions based on researched evidence
One of the following three:
You need academic credence and/or statistics to back up your ideas.
See pages 564 – 567 and review the related video case on your CD-ROM. Research as much as you can about that type of company, its industry and competitors, and any applicable management theories. Develop your case as per the “case guidelines” on the class website and course outline. Make sure you use appropriate in-line referencing and Harvard style development of the paper. It is recommended to include:
Cover page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Outlined Body with appropriate subject headings and sub-headings as needed (including a very brief introduction or situation analysis and a conclusion)
Reference List
Any Appendices as needed.
The format and structure of the body of your paper can either help or hinder the ability for the reader to follow your logic of analysis and creativity. Put time into the “structure” of your writing as well as the research and referencing.
It is advisable to seek out an impartial editor to review your work for academic quality writing and referencing (see Harvard Style).
If you have any questions please email me, visit me during my office hours or set up an appointment.