Psychology 345A

Drugs and Behavior

Fall 2017


Class Date/Time:            Tuesday 18:00 - 21:00

Instructor:                          Elliott Marchant

Office Location:                Building 356, Room 352

Office Hours:                    Posted on office door or by appointment

Telephone:                       753-3245 extension 2136




Textbook: Drugs and the Neuroscience of Behavior

Drugs and the Neuroscience of Behavior, Second Edition, Adam Prus


Course Description: This course will review the pharmacology behind many of the most commonly abused drugs. Drug use for mental illness will be discussed briefly in relation to drugs of abuse, however it is covered in detail in Psychology 445 (Clinical Neuropharmacology) . This course will cover the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of alcohol, nicotine, sedatives, stimulants, analgesics, and cannabis. Knowledge of the material covered in Psychology 205 (biopsychology) is assumed.



 Major Objectives: To learn the basic principles of drug action, to better understand drug abuse and to learn to critically evaluate all literature on the topic (including material presented in this class). 


Major Assignments  and Expectations


Quizzes: There will be two quizzes and one final. All material will be drawn from the textbook, class notes and lectures.  Each quiz is worth 33% of your final grade, as is your final.  I will count only your two best scores towards your final graded. If you are happy with your mark prior to writing your final you can skip writing the final (will tell you your mark on the last class)  If you miss one quiz you will have to write the final. All my quizzes are short answers only and I grade on a curve.



Quiz 1 - Intro, kinetics, dynamics, psychostimulants

Quiz 2 -Nicotine, alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, psychedelics

Final - cumulative (exam period)


Assignment: Write a position/argumentative paper (15 pages max) that covers at least one drug (pharmacology at the same or above the text) and at least one behavior. You have too ask and answer a question. The project is due November 1 and worth 33% of your final grade. You would be wise to spread the work out and start now (it will be harder than you think)! I don't mind looking over a draft or an outline prior to October 15th.


Late Policy: There will be a 5/33 mark penalty (per day) for late papers until the paper is worth 0! 




Grading Expectations for Papers

 Characteristics of work in the A range (A-, A or A+):

Outstanding performance and exceptional work. The content, organization and style of the work are all at a high level of comprehension of the subject, and the work demonstrates excellent writing (or verbal presentation), critical thinking, and the use of current and appropriate research. The work demonstrates sound critical thinking processes, innovative ideas and shows personal engagement with the topic. The work far exceeds minimum expectations in all areas. Grammar, writing, spelling and formatting (APA) are all excellent.


Characteristics of work in the B range (B-, B or B+):

The work is good and has no major weaknesses. The writing or verbal presentation is clear and explicit; coverage of the topic is good and the work demonstrates good comprehension. The work shows good use of existing knowledge on the subject, including current research. Grammar, writing, spelling and formatting (APA) are done well.


Characteristics of work in the C range (C-, C or C+):

Satisfactory performance and adequate work. Shows fair comprehension of the subject but has some deficiencies in content, style and/or organization of desired material. Adequate use of research and existing literature. Grammar, writing, spelling and formatting (APA) meet minimum requirements. Talk to me about what will move your work up to the next level.


Characteristics of work that receives a grade of “D”:

Marginal performance with minimally adequate work, barely at a passing level. The work shows serious flaws in content, organization or style of written (or verbal) work. The work shows poor comprehension of the subject, and minimal involvement in required work. The work shows poor use of research and existing literature. The work may show poor use of grammar, poor spelling, incorrect formatting, and may demonstrate problems with writing. Talk to me – I’m willing to help you improve your work!


Characteristics of work in the “F” range:

Failing work. Either parts (or all) of the work were plagiarized, or the work does not meet most, or any, of the minimum expectations. If the latter is the case, talk to me – it’s likely I’m willing to help you succeed if you are willing to put the work in as well.


These grade explanations are a modified version from the Department of Criminlogy, Vancouver Island University.



Paper Topics Example -

Does heroin exposure in utero cause permanent developmental problems?

Devil's Breath: Urban Legend or the World's Most Scary Drug?

How synthetic cathinones affect the brain and behavior?

Does smoking marijuana make you stupid?

How risky is taking MDMA?

Are crack babies real?