Human Subjects |
RESEARCH CONSENT FORM DESCRIPTION You will find a RESEARCH CONSENT FORM described below. Following the description you will find an example. The bold, italicized words are meant as a guide and are not be to included on an actual consent form. Both the investigator and the participant should get a copy of the consent form. Please follow the format as identified. Credit is given to Daphne Maurer (1999) for these suggestions.
Research Consent FormTitle of project (clear and concise)
Date of ethics approval
Identity of researchers (name, department, affiliation, role in research project, supervisor's name and contact number)
Purpose of research (brief description of the purpose explains the topic that is being explored and why the research is being done)
Description of research ( a step-by-step description of the research as it will be experienced by the research participant including the length of the participation; the participant should have a clear understanding of how involved he/she will be so he/she can make an informed choice about participation)
Potential harms/benefits (describe all forseeable harms, including physical, psychological, emotional harms or inconveniences-if there are known harms these need to be described in easily comprehensible language- in any case there should be a statement acknowledging the possibility of unforeseen harms; potential benefits should be described as accurately as possible as well)
Confidentiality (important for the prospective research participant to know who will have access to the research data and how data will be stored; when there are plans to use identifying information like photographs this should be disclosed and there should be a separate form for this identifying information; in rare instances it will not be possible to ensure confidentiality because of mandatory reporting laws, for example suspected child abuse, when this is the case, the participant should be aware of this limitation)
Participation (participation is voluntary; participant must be told explicitly that he/she has the right the refuse participation and that the decision to participate is not binding. It is important to make it clear they can withdraw at any time, for any reason, without negative consequences)
Consent (brief paragraph stating the participant has read and understood the information, understands he/she can ask questions in the future, and indicates free consent to research participation by signing the consent form)
September, 1999
Slade Grade,
Psychology Student,
Malaspina University-CollegeLloyd Freud, Ph.D., Supervisor
Department of Psychology
Malaspina University-College
(250) 753-3245, local 0000(Purpose) I am a student in a university-level research methods course. This course requires us to gain applied experience in designing and conducting research. As such, I have designed a research project to study the relationship between a number of factors and academic success.
(Description) During this study, you will be asked to complete a number of brief questionnaires concerning your personal experiences with factors such as perceived social support, financial situations, family responsibilities, and past academic performance. You will also be asked for some demographic information (gender, age, etc). Your participation will require approximately 30 minutes of your time.
(Potential harm) There are no known harms associated with your participation in this research.
(Confidentiality) All records of participation will be kept strictly confidential, such that only I and my supervisor will have access to the information. The results from this study will be reported in a written research report and an oral report during a class presentation. Information about the project will not be made public in any way that identifies individual participants.
(Participation) Participation is completely voluntary. It may be discontinued at any time for any reason without explanation and without penalty.
(Consent) I have read the above form, understand the information read, understand that I can ask questions or withdraw at any time. I consent to participate in today's research study.
Participant's signature__________________________________
Investigator's signature__________________________________
Posted June 1999