Psychology 111
Spring 2018
Class Date/Time: Tues/Thurs 1:30-2:30
Instructor: Elliott Marchant
Office Location Building 356 room 352
Hours: Posted
on office door or by appointment (drop ins welcome
Telephone: 753-3245 extension 2136
Course Objectives: This is a survey course intended to introduce students to some of the topics in psychology. Topics include research methods, the neuron, genetics, evolutionary psychology, motivation, sensation and perception, learning, motivation and memory.
Course Website: This course has a companion website ( that requires a user discovery username and password. Your user name is discovery\username. From this website you will be able to access lecture material, the textbook website and additional resources that can enrich your learning. If you do not have access to a computer at home, you can gain access from one of the computer on campus.
Recommended Text: Psychology Around Us, 2nd Edition - Wiley (2015)
In my view the
text serves two important purposes. First,
it helps you become familiar with the material before I lecture & second it
contains information that I simply don’t have the time to cover, although you
will still be responsible for it.
Tentative Timetable
1 |
Outline, Requirements, Study Habits Chapter 1
2 |
Chapter 2 – Psychology as a Science
Appendix B - Statistics in Psychology Chapter 3 – Neuroscience
4 |
Exam 1 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Chapter 7 - Consciouseness, Sleep and Motivation |
8 |
Exam 2 |
9 |
Chapter 7 – Learning |
10 |
Chapter 10 – Memory
11 |
Exam 3 |
Week 12 |
Review |
Week 13 |
Review |
Testing: This course has three midterms and one comprehensive final . Each quiz (including the final) is worth 28.3% of your final grade. If you are happy with your 3 midterm marks you do not have to write the final. If you do all exams, including the final I will drop your lowest mark. The final exam will be the same length as the other quizzes however it will be comprehensive in nature.
Quiz 1 x 3 28.3%
Final 28.3%
Paper 15%
Research Participation 2%
Grading: I grade on a curve which means if you get the highest mark in the class you will get either an A or an A+...if you get an average grade you'll get a B- and everyone else will be graded accordingly. If you want to be graded on a percentage bases please let me know but I would strongly advise against it. If you don't understand the curve don't worry it part of what we cover within the first few weeks of this class.
Paper: You are required to write a 5 page paper in APA format. You can write on one of three topics.... 1) why some news story is not supported by psychology or neuroscience, 2) why psychology needs to be a science or 3) why you deserve a better mark in this class. The structure of this paper has to follow the format below. The paper is due March 1st at 9:00am.
Argument 1
Argument 2
Argument 3
Cheating, Missed Exams and Late Assignments:
You have one throw away exam in this class. If you miss
any quiz during the semester, for any reason, you will simply have to write the final
exam. If you miss two exams you will not have enough points to pass this
class. If you write all three quizzes during the semester and are happy with your marks you do not
have to write the final (I will provide you with your final grade on the last day of
class). Late papers will be accepted until they are worth zero (there is a10% per day
If you are caught cheating on an exam,
the Dean’s office will be informed and a permanent record kept and an “F” will be given for the exam.
If you obtain greater than 50% on the final I will not fail may get a very low grade but you won't fail.
Study Recommendations: So you want to do well in this course (or any course)...what do you need to do?
1. read material before class -
2. come to class and be present - listen to your professors advice!
3. after lecture combine text and lecture notes into one comprehensive set of study notes...use that to study
5. re-write the comprehensive notes 3-5 time condensing each time...while condensing ask questions, clarify, simplify, apply, think and test yourself by explaining it to your grandmother (or some poor loved one)
6. study some everyday....don't cram or pull all nighters it does not work like high school...there is simply too much material
Question. How many hours do you need to spend studying for this class?
Answer. For every hour I lecture, I suspect you will need to spend 3-4 hours studying!
Luck and I hope you enjoy the course!!