Research and Teaching Interests 


My primary research interest include 1) investigating the physiological effects of light on the hypothalamus, 2) biological timing of eating and circadian regulation of sleep. 


My teaching duties include, neuroscience, the neurobiological basis of mental illness, methods/statistics, and psychopharmacology.  





Curriculum Vitae


Elliott Marchant


Department of Psychology                                                     Phone: (250) 753-3245 ext2136

Vancouver Island University                                                   900 Fifth Street          

Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5S5                                                          Home: 604-831-8999                                 



Postdoctoral Fellow (1999-2001). Dalhousie University, Department of Neuroscience. Supervisor Dr. Benjamin Rusak

Postdoctoral Fellow (1996-1999). State University of New York at Stony Brook, Department of Psychiatry. Supervisor Dr. Larry Morin

Ph.D. (1993-1996). Simon Fraser University, Department of Psychology. Supervisor Dr. RalphMistlberger

Master of Arts (1991-1993).  Simon Fraser University, Department of Psychology. Supervisor Dr. Barry Beyerstien

Honours (1st Class) Bachelors of Arts (1987-1991) Simon Fraser University, Department of Psychology

Okanagan University College (1985-1987). University Transfer


Current Teaching Responsibility

Contemporary Psychology – Psychology 111/112

Research Methods – Psychology 204

Standard 2 & 3 year statistics course for psychology students covering both univariate and multivariate statistics.

Experimental Neuroscience – Psychology 323/324                                                                      

An introduction to advanced experimental neuroscience. Topics include basic functions of neurons and genes as well as review of selective topics in neuroplasticity, psychopharmacology, behavioural genetics, behavioural neuroendocrinology, neural development, and neurochemistry.

 Drugs and Behavior – Psychology 345

An introductory course designed to review the scientific literature on drugs, behaviour, and the central nervous system. Topics include introductions to pharmacology, neuropharmacology, the experimental analysis of behaviour, and the behavioural determinants of drug action.

Clinical Neuropharmacology and Therapeutics – Psychology 445

Designed to provide psychology students with a working understanding of current pharmacological treatment regimes for the mentally ill. Treatment for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, anxiety and Alzheimer's among others will be reviewed and current research evaluated.


Past Teaching Responsibilities/Experiences

Computer Application in Psychology – Psychology 200

An introduction to computers and some basic programs and utilities useful to psychologists. Topics include word processing, APA style and writing, spreadsheets, databases, statistical packages, and the Internet research utilities.

Biopsychology – Psychology 205

Statistical Methods in Psychology I & II – Psychology 300A & B

Psychology 317 - Sensation & Perception – Vancouver Island University 2001

Psychology 307- Evolutionary Psychology – Vancouver Island University 2002

Neuroscience 3775 - Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory – Dalhousie University, 2000-01


Teaching Assistant Experience: Simon Fraser University, (1992-95)

Method in Neuroscience, Lab Class – Psychology 385

Psychopharmacology – Psychology 383

Psychology of Consciousness – Psychology 326

Introduction to Biopsychology – Psychology 280

Biological Rhythms – Psychology 365


Awards and Scholarships

2004    Malaspina Research Foundation Award ($7000)

2002    Malaspina Research Foundation Award ($5000)

2001    Undergraduate Neuroscience Teaching Award, Dalhousie University

1999    Post Doctoral Fellowship, Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (over 2 years $70,000).

1997    Graduate Fellowship, Simon Fraser University ($4000).

1996    Graduate Research Fellowship, Simon Fraser University ($4000).

1991    Post Graduate Fellowship, Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($32,000).

1991    Graduate Entrance Award, Simon Fraser University Entrance Award ($5000).

1990    Simon Fraser University Open Scholarships ($1300).

1989    Simon Fraser University Honor Roll.

 Peer Reviewed Publications

*all names in bold belong to undergraduates

Patton D. F., Katsuyama A. M., Pavlovski I, Michalik M., Patterson, Z., Parfyonov M., Marchant E. G., Chung J., Abizaid A., Storch, K. F, de la Iglesia, H., Mistlberger, M. E. (2014).  "Circadian mechanisms of food anticipatory rhythms in rats fed once or twice daily: clock gene and endocrine correlates". PLOS One, E 9(12): e112451


Mueller, A. D., Parfyonov, M, Pavloski, I., Marchant, E.G. & Mistlberger, R.E. (2014). The inhibitory effect of sleep deprivation on cell proliferation in the hippocampus of adult mice eliminated by corticosterone clamp combined with interleukin-1 receptor knockout. Brain, Behavior and Immunology, 35:102-8


Patton, D. F., Parfyonov, M., Gourmelen, S., Opiol, H., Pavlovski, I, Marchant E.G., Challet, E. & Mistlberger, R. E. (2013). Photic and pineal modulation of food anticipatory circadian rhythms in rodents. PLOS One, 8(12), e81588.


Landry, G. J. Opiol, H., Marchant, E. G.,  Pavlovski, I., Mear, R. J., Hamson, D. K & Mistlberger R. E. (2012). Sociochronobiology: daily sexual reward induces circadian anticipatory activity rhythms in the male rat. Hormones and Behavior, 7(7), e40985

Landry, G. J., Kent, B. A., Patton, D. F., Jaholkowski,, M. Marchant, E.G. & Mistlberger, R. E. (2011). Evidence for time-of-day dependent effect of neurotoxic dorsomedial hypothalamic lesions on food anticipatory circadian rhythms in rats. PloS One, 6(9), e24187.

Egeli, N. A., Crooks, V., Matheson, D. H., Ursa, M. & Marchant, E. (2008). Patient views: Improving care for patients with fibromyalgia. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(11), 363-369.

Devarajan, K., Marchant E. G., & Rusak, B. (2005). Light regulates oxytocin and parvalbumin protein levels in the ciliated epithelial and ependymal layer of the third ventricle in the C57 Mouse.  Neuroscience, 134, 539-547

Mistlberger, R. E., Marchant, E. G., and Kippin, T. E. (2002). Food-entrained circadian rhythms in rats are insensitive to deuterium oxide. Brain Research, 919(2), 283-291.

Kalynchuk, L. E. , Davis A. C., Gregus, A., Taggart, J., Dodd, C. C., Wintink, A. J. and Marchant, E. G. (2002). Hippocampal involvement in the expression of kindling-induced fear in rats. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 25(7-8), 687-696.

Piggins, H. D., Marchant E. G., Goguen, D. and Rusak, B. (2001). Phase-shifting effects of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide on hamster wheel-running rhythms. Neuroscience Letters, 305, 25-28.

Marchant E. G., and Morin L. P. (2001). Light augments Fos protein induction in brains of short-term enucleated hamsters. Brain Research, 902, 51-62.

Marchant E. G. and Morin L. P. (1999). The hamster circadian rhythm system includes nuclei of the subcortical visual shell. Journal of Neuroscience, 19(23):10482-93.

Mistlberger R. E. and Marchant E. G. (1999). Enhanced food-anticipatory circadian rhythms in the genetically obese Zucker rat. Physiology & Behavior, 66(2):329-35.

Antle, M. C., Marchant, E. G., Niel, L., and Mistlberger, R. E. (1998). Serotonin antagonists do not attenuate activity-induced phase shifts in the Syrian hamster. Brain Research, 813(1), 139-149.

Mistlberger, R. E., Bossert, J. M., Holmes, M. and Marchant, E. G. (1998). Serotonin and feedback effects of behavioral activity on circadian rhythms in mice.  Behavioral Brain Research, 96(1-2), 93-99.

Mistlberger, R. E., Landry, G. and Marchant, E. G. (1997). Sleep deprivation can  attenuate light-induced phase shifts of circadian rhythms in hamsters.  Neuroscience Letters, 238(1-2), 5-8.

Mistlberger, R. E., Sinclair, S. V., Marchant, E. G. and Neil, L. (1997). Phase shifts to refeeding in the Syrian hamster are mediated by running activity. Physiology and Behavior, 61(2), 273-278.

Marchant, E. G. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1997). Anticipation and entrainment to feeding time in intact and SCN-ablated C57BL/6j mice. Brain Research, 765(2), 273-282.

Marchant, E. G., Watson, N. V. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1997). Both NPY and 5HT are necessary for entrainment of circadian rhythms in mice by daily treadmill running schedules. Journal of Neuroscience, 17(20) 7974-7987.

Mistlberger, R. E., Marchant, E. G. and Sinclair, S. V. (1996). Non-photic phase-shifting and the motivation to run: cold exposure re-examined.  Journal of Biological Rhythms, 11(3), 208-215.

Mistlberger, R. E., deGroot, M. H. M., Bossert, J. M. and Marchant, E. G. (1996). Discrimination of circadian phase in intact and suprachiasmatic nuclei-ablated rats.  Brain Research, 739(1-2), 12-18.

Marchant, E. G. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1995). Morphine phase-shifts circadian rhythms in mice: role of behavioural activation.  Neuroreport, 7, 209-212.

Marchant, E. G. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1995). Entrainment and phase-shifting of circadian rhythms in mice by forced treadmill running.  Physiology and Behavior, 60(2), 657-663.

Mistlberger, R. E. and Marchant, E. G. (1995). Computational and entrainment models of circadian food-anticipatory activity: Evidence from non-24-hr feeding schedules.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 109(4), 790-798.


Abstracts, Presentations and Other Publications


Smit, A.N., Broesch, T., Marchant, E., Siegel, J. & Mistlberger, R.E. (2017). Sleep and circadian rhythms in a small-scale society in Tanna, Vanuatu. Canadian Society for Chronobiology.

Kerber, K., Marchant, E., & Lyons, M. (2008). The effects of l-theanine on sleep in fibromyalgia patients: A double blind placebo-controlled study. University of Victoria Inhouse Conference, Victoria, April 11.

 Kerber, K, Marchant, E. & Lyons, M. (2008). Sleep patterns of fibromyalgia patients on l-theanine in comparison to a normal population. Connecting Minds: National Undergraduate Conference, Vancouver, June 30 – July 1.

Egeli, N. A., Matheson, D. H., & Marchant, E. (May, 2007). General Practice: Promoting the Overall Health of Women with Fibromyalgia.Presented at the Canadian Pain Society's Annual Conference. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Stephan, S., Noels, K. A., & Marchant, E. G. (2006, June). Motivation, Willingness to Communicate, and Anxiety in East Asian Learners of English: A Self-Determination Perspective. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Calgary, AB.

Egeli, N. A., Matheson, D. H., & Marchant, E. (May, 2006). Patient perspectives: Improving care for patients with fibromyalgia. Presented at the American Pain Society's 25th Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Egeli, N. A., Matheson, D. H., & Marchant, E. (May, 2006). Physician communication strategies and patient management of fibromyalgia. Presented at the American Pain Society's 25th Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas, USA

Egeli, N. A., Matheson, D. H., & Marchant, E. (November, 2004). The role of the physician-patient relationship in treating fibromyalgia. Presented at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease Fibromyalgia Workshop: The Next Advances. Washington, D.C., USA.

Egeli, N. A., Cooper, R., Matheson, D. H., & Marchant, E. (November 2004). What beliefs predict patient satisfaction with their physicians: Qualitative development of a quantitative survey. Presented at the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease Fibromyalgia Workshop: The Next Advances. Washington, D.C., USA.

Marchant, E. G., Devarajan, K., Hogenesch, J. and  Rusak, B. (2001). Photic regulation of parvalbumin and oxytocin immunoreactivity in cilia lining the mouse third ventricle. Society for Neuroscience.

de Groot, M. H. M., Marchant, E. G. and Rusak, B. (2001). Immediate-early gene expression in brain regions containing orexin A fibers in mice entrained to restricted daily food access. Society for Neuroscience.

Dong, Y. H., Hogenesch, J., Marchant, E. G., de Groot, M. H. M., Kay, S. and Rusak, B. (2000). GeneChipâ analysis of the regulation of gene expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN): Photic control of vasopressin mRNA. Society for Neuroscience, 76.12.

de Groot, M. H. M., Marchant E. G. and Rusak, B. (2000). Immediate-early gene expression in brain regions containing orexin A fibers in mice entrained to restricted daily food access. Society for Neuroscience, 76.27.

Zhao, H., Marchant, E. G. and Rusak, B. (2000). Lateral habenular nucleus cells in the rat respond to retinal illumination. Society for Neuroscience, 787.4.

de Groot, M. H. M. Marchant, E. G. and Rusak, B (2000). Immunoreactivity for immediate early genes protein and orexin in mouse brains after food restriction and refeeding. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, 181.

Marchant, E. G. and Morin L. P. (1999). Electrical stimulation of the superior colliculus attenuates light induced circadian phase shifts. Society for Neuroscience, 459.18

Marchant, E. G. and Morin, L. P. (1998). Superior colliculus mediates triazolam-induced phase shifts of hamster circadian rhythms. Society for Neuroscience, 762.8.

Marchant, E. G. and Morin, L. P. (1998). The entraining effects of timed wheel access in hamsters. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, 186a.

Marchant, E. G., Bossert, J. M., Holmes M., Watson N. V. and Mistlberger R. E. (1997). Ablation of  NPY or 5HT afferents to the SCN prevents entrainment to daily treadmill running schedules in mice. Society for Neuroscience, 198.12.

Antle, M. C., Marchant, E. G., Chubaty, P., McHattie, L., Neil, L., Mistlberger, R. E., (1997). Serotonin antagonists and agonists fail to modulate activity-induced phase shifts of circadian rhythms in Syrian hamsters. Society for Neuroscience, 99.4.

Morin, L. P., Marchant, E. G., and  Meyer-Bernstein, E. L. (1997). Distribution of Fos-immunoreactivity in response to raphe stimulation. Society for Neuroscience, 483.9.

Marchant, E. G., Mistlberger, R. E. and Clarke, P. (1996). Effects of restricted feeding and activity in intact and SCN ablated mice.  Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, 166.

Mistlberger, R. E., Sinclair, S. V., Marchant, E. G. and Niel, L. (1996). Phase shifts to fasting and refeeding in the Syrian hamster.  Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, 165.

deGroot, M. H. M., Bossert, J. M., Marchant, E. G. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1996). Discrimination of circadian phase of feeding in intact and SCN-ablated rats. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, 167.

Antle, M. C., Marchant, E. G. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1996). Hypothalamic lesions and absence of food anticipation: Role of the arcuate nucleus.  Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, 168.

Marchant, E. G., Sinclair, S. V. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1995). Cold exposure phase-shifts circadian rhythms in hamsters.  Society for Neuroscience, 379.13.

Sinclair, S. V., Mistlberger, R. E. and Marchant, E. G. (1995). Daily scheduled exercise can advance, delay or invert entrainment to skeleton photoperiods in hamsters.  Society for Neuroscience, 379.11.

Nadeau, B., Marchant, E. G., Mistlberger, R. E., Alexander, B. and Mair, S. (1995). Behavioral despair: A drug screening procedure sensitive to hypothermia.  Society for Neuroscience, 678.3.

Marchant, E. G., Jol, D. and Fielding, L. (1995). Changing opinions on animal research. CALAS/ACTAL Association, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Marchant, E. G., Bowie, T., Dumfries, T. and Jol, D. (1995). Effects of laboratory animal environmental enrichment on those who are concerned about animal research. CALAS/ACTAL Association, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Marchant, E. G. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1994). Both forced and voluntary activity can entrain free running rhythms in the mouse.  Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, 79.

Mistlberger, R. E., Marchant, E. and Kippin, T. (1994). Attempts to induce a free-running food entrained rhythm using D2O and methamphetamine.  Society for Research on Biological Rhythms,128.

Marchant, E. G. and Beyerstein, B. (1994). Opiate antagonist effects on saccharin and water intake in opiate receptor enriched and deprived mice.  Canadian Psychological Association, 73.1.

Marchant, E. G. and Mistlberger, R. E. (1993). PRC to morphine and activity in C57BL/6 mice. Society for Neuroscience, 742.7.


Marchant, E. G. (1997). Animal research mythology: Dispelling the myths.  Saskatchewan Association of Veterinary Technologists Newsletter (14) 2, Saskatchwen.

Marchant, E. G. and Beyerstein, B. (1990). Herbal humbug.  Rational Enquirer, 3(4), 1-7.

Invited Talks

Marchant, E. G. (1998).  The role of the subcortical visual shell as a mediator of circadian rhythm entrainment.  FASEB Summer Research Conference, Neurobiology of Vertebrate Circadian Rhythm Entrainment.

Marchant, E. G. (1995). Fears in the animal care business.  CALAS, University of British Columbia, February.

Marchant, E. G. (1993). The efficacy of nootropic drugs.  Drug Policy Foundation's Seventh International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, Washington, DC.

Beyerstein, B. and Marchant., E. G. (1992). Chemical cowboys: Pharmacological intervention for cocaine use. Drug Policy Foundation's Sixth International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, Washington DC.


Current Research Projects:

Ø  Unihemispheric sleep before and after child birth

Ø  Food anticipation in drosophila melanogaster

Ø  Patterns of food consumption in humans and health

Ø  The ability of drosophila melanogaster to anticipate a palatable meal

Ø  Impact of UV light on ubiquitination proteins in drosophila melanogaster

Ø  The role of mirror neurons in empathy of childbirth


Other Relevant Work/Teaching Experience

Chair, Psychology Department, Malaspina University College, 2005 - 2007

Animal Laboratory Technician (Class 4), Animal Care Facility, Simon Fraser University, 1989-1996.

Past Committee/University Service

Ø  Social Science Recruitment and Retention Committee (+4 years)

Ø  NSERC Committee VIU (+4 years)

Ø  University Animal Care Committee VIU (+3 years)

Ø  Academic Computing Steering Committee VIU (+5 years)

Ø  Internal Representative for the Biology Program Review VIU

Ø  Lead Role in Establishing the BSc Major and Minor in Psychology VIU

Ø  First Author of the SignPost Document for Psychology VIU

Ø  Committee member for the Teaching and Learning Advisory Group

Ø  Currently working on the Addiction Research Certificate


Group Affiliations

Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience – organization devoted to supporting undergraduate research in neuroscience

Society for Neuroscience – parent organization supporting neuroscience

Society for Research on Biological Rhythms – organization supporting research in biological rhythms

Foundation for Biomedical Research – education group in support of biomedical research           


Relevant Laboratory Skills

Ø advanced statistical analysis

Ø human sleep recording (via Polysomnography and home ambulatory recorders)

Ø laser-capture micro-dissection

Ø RNA and DNA extraction techniques

Ø perfusions and histology

Ø immunohistochemistry/immunocyctochemistry/ Immunofluorescence

Ø neuroanatomical tracing (iontophoretic injections using a variety of tracers)

Ø digital image analysis (NIH image, Scion Image and MCID)

Ø microscopy (fluorescence, brightfield, darkfield)

Ø electronics and computer skills

Ø familiar with many behavioral paradigms, including: telemetry, place preference learning, acoustic startle reflex, operant conditioning, behavioral despair, in vivo drug administration, electrical stimulation, rhythm analysis and others


Teaching References

Deborah Matheson, Psychology Department, Vancouver Island University, 250-753-3245 ext2139.

Dr. Caroline Burnley, Vancouver Island University, Department of Psychology 250-753-3245 ext2135.


Research References

Dr. Ralph Mistlberger: E-Mail: (Ph.D. Supervisor) Psychology Department, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia Phone: 604-291-3462

Dr. B. Rusak: E-Mail: (Postdoctoral Supervisor) Department of Psychology/Neuroscience Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia  Phone: 902-494-2159