Recent Publications:
E. Dallin, P. Wan, E. Krogh, C. Gill and R. M.
Moore, New pH-dependent photosubstitution pathways of syringic
acid in aqueous solution: relevance in environmental photochemistry,
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology – A: Chemistry, 207, 2009,
J. M.
Etzkorn, N. G. Davey, A. J. Thompson, A. S. Creba, C.
W. LeBlanc, C. D. Simpson, E. T. Krogh and C. G. Gill, The Use of Membrane Introduction Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MIMS-MS/MS)
in Field Locations as an On-Line Quantitative Environmental Monitoring
Technique for Trace Contaminants in Air and Water, The Journal of
Chromatographic Science (invited contribution), 2009, 47, 57-66.
D. Janes, C. Durning, D. V. Pel, M.
S. Lynch, C. G. Gill and E. T.
Krogh, Modeling Analyte Permeation in Cylindrical
Hollow Fiber Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry, Journal of Membrane
Science, 2008, 325, 81-91. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2008.07.033
A. J. Thompson, J. M. Etzkorn, D. Van Pel, E. T. Krogh, D. M. Drakeford and C. G. Gill, Membrane Introduction Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MIMS-MS/MS) as a Real-Time Monitor for Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound (BVOC) Emissions from Plants, Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, 2008, 53, 75-81.
Jason G. A.
Devlin, John A. Amaral, Erik T. Krogh, and
A.Skye Creba, Alexandra N.E.
Weissfloch, Erik T. Krogh and
S. Earle and E. Krogh, Elevated fluoride levels
in a sandstone and mudstone aquifer system, eastern Vancouver Island, Canada,
Proceedings of the Sea to Sky Geotechnique 2006 - the
59th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 7th Joint CGS/IAH-
A.J. Thompson, A.S. Creba,
R.M. Ferguson, E.T. Krogh, C.G. Gill, A novel thermally assisted membrane
introduction mass spectrometry (
J. H. L. Nelson, E.
T. Krogh, C. G. Gill and D. A. Friesen, Monitoring
the Destruction of Aqueous Environmental Contaminants using
Membrane-Introduction Mass Spectrometry (
Conference Presentations:
Davey, N., Etzkorn, J., Park, J., Crampton, R., Fitzpatrick, C., Larson, T., Simpson, C., Yost, M., Krogh, E., Gill, C., Mobile On-line Air Quality Monitoring in the Seattle-Tacoma Airshed Using Portable Membrane Introduction Tandem Mass Spectrometry, June 2009, 64th Northwest Regional ACS conference, Tacoma, WA, Abstract#176.
Stechishin, O.D.M., Newhook, C.C., Gill, C.G., Krogh, E.T., Direct Monitoring of the Formation Kinetics of Volatile Dis-Infection By-Products in Complex Aqueous Samples Using Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry, June 2009, 64th Northwest Regional ACS conference, Tacoma, WA, Abstract#136.
Newhook, C.C., Gill, C.G., Krogh, E.T., Following the Photochemical Formation of Benzene in Complex Aqueous Samples Using Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry as a Direct Real-time Reaction Monitor, June 2009, 64th Northwest Regional ACS conference, Tacoma, WA, Abstract#58.
Davey, N.,
Etzkorn, J., Park, J., Crampton, R., Fitzpatrick, C.,
Larson, T., Simpson, C., Yost, M., Krogh, E., Gill, C., Membrane
Introduction Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MIMS-MS/MS) as an Mobile On-Line Monitor
to Map Air Toxics in the Metropolitan Seattle-Tacoma Airshed, June 2009, 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Philadelphia, PA.
N. Davey, S. Ghafouri, E. Krogh and C. Gill, Thermally Assisted Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry (TAMIMS) Interfaces - Improvements for Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in Environmental Samples, June 2008, 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Boulder CO, Abstract #1470.
R. Leung, C. LeBlanc, J. Etzkorn, N. Davey, A. Thompson, S. Ghafouri, E. Krogh and C. Gill, On-line environmental monitoring in the field using membrane introduction tandem mass spectrometry, 91st Canadian Chemistry Conference, Edmonton, AB, May 2008, Abstract #1396.
S. Ghafouri, N. Davey, E. Krogh, and C. Gill, Novel developments in the design and performance of a thermally assisted membrane interface for the on-line analysis of VOCs and SVOCs in the air and water samples, 91st Canadian Chemistry Conference, Edmonton, AB, May 2008, Abstract #1383.
Dallin, E., Wan, P., Gill, C, Krogh, E., Cielanga, N.and Stechishin, O., Chloromethane production from the photosubstitution of a model DOC compound in marine waters, 91st Canadian Chemistry Conference, Edmonton, AB, May 2008, Abstract #143.
Janes, D.W., Durning, C.J., van Pel, D.M., Lynch, M S., Krogh, E.T., and Gill, C.G. Modeling of hollow fiber membrane inlet mass spectrometry, 2007 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Salt Lake, Utah, USA November 6, 2007, Abstract #236f.
J.H.L. Nelson, J.M. Etzkorn, M.C.
Lamarche, D.A. Friesen, E.T. Krogh, C.G. Gill, Simultaneous
On-Line Measurement of AOP Degradation Kinetics for Trace Gasoline Components
in Aqueous Solutions and Natural Waters by
D.W. Janes, C.J. Durning, D.M. van Pel, M.S. Lynch, C.G. Gill and E.T. Krogh, Modeling Mass Transport in Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry to Measure Diffusion and Partition Coefficients in Capillary Hollow Fibres, 90th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Winnipeg (MB); May, 2007, Abstract#547.
O.D.M. Stechishin, C.G. Gill and E.T. Krogh, Disinfection By-Product Formation Rates from Model Compounds, Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products Using Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry, 90th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Winnipeg (MB); May, 2007, Abstract#1099.
A.S. Creba,
A.J. Thompson, C.G. Gill and E.T. Krogh, Thermally Assisted Membrane Introduction
Mass Spectrometry Using a Coaxially Heated Hollow Fibre
Membrane Interface for the Analysis of Semi-Volatile Molecules, 90th Canadian Chemistry Conference,
S. Denny, R.
Gear, P. Lapcevic, V. Carmichael, M. Carver, S. Earle, B. Epps, A. Gilchrist,
M. Journeay, E.
Krogh, S. Talwar, The
Use of Intrinsic Susceptibility Mapping and Potential Hazard Inventories as
Tools for Water Resource Management o n Vancouver Island, Canadian Water Resource Association,
Vancouver (BC), October, 2006.
A. J. Thompson, A. S. Creba,
R. M. Ferguson, D. M. van Pel, M. S. Lynch, O. D. M. Stechishin, E. T. Krogh, C. G. Gill, Membrane
Introduction Mass Spectrometry- Recent Advances and Applications, 33rd Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Societies, Miami (FL); September, 2006.
A. J. Thompson, A. S. Creba,
R. M. Ferguson, Erik Krogh and
J. G. A. Devlin,
Owen D. M. Stechishin,
Lydia Rockwell, Robyn M. Ferguson,
Erik T.
Krogh, Derek M. van Pel, Michael S. Lynch,
Alexander J. Thompson, A.
Alexander J.
Thompson, Charles W. LeBlanc,
A.S.Creba, R.M. Ferguson, A.J. Thompson, R.L. Dills, C.D. Simpson,
E.T. Krogh, C.G. Gill, Recent Advances in Membrane Introduction Tandem Mass
Spectrometry (
Creba, R. Ferguson, M.S.Lynch,
J.H.L Nelson, A.J. Thompson, D.F. Friesen, E.T. Krogh and C.G. Gill, Environmental Applications of Membrane
Introduction Mass Spectrometry (
M.S.Lynch, C.G. Gill and E.T. Krogh, Direct Estimates of Environmentally Relevant
Partition Co-efficients Using Pervaporation
Kinetics from Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry (
Nelson, Robyn Ferguson,
Lynch, Erik Krogh and
Nelson, D.A. Friesen, R. Ferguson, M. Lynch, C.G. Gill and E.T. Krogh, Membrane
Introduction Mass Spectrometry as a Real Time Monitor for Trace Level Aqueous
Contaminants, 87th
C.D. Simpson,
J.H.L. Nelson, A.J. Thompson, E.T. Krogh and C.G. Gill, Membrane Introduction Tandem Mass Spectrometry (
J.H.L. Nelson,
A.J. Thompson, D.A. Friesen, E.T. Krogh, R.L. Dills, C.D. Simpson, C.G.
Gill, Real-Time Monitoring of Urban Air for Wood-Smoke and Vehicle Emission
Tracer Molecules by Membrane Introduction Tandem Mass Spectrometry (
E. T. Krogh and C.
G. Gill, System for the online
measurement of volatile and semi-volatile compounds and use thereof, U.S.
Patent Application No. 11/864,572, filed September 28, 2007; U.S. Patent
Publication No. US-2009-0084157-A1.
E. T. Krogh and C.
G. Gill, Thermally assisted membrane introduction mass spectrometry (MIMS)
interface and method of use thereof, 11/621,451, filed January 9, 2007; U.S. Patent Publication No.
Technical Reports:
Island Lake Nutrient Study Data Report, C. Bob, E. Janusson and E. Krogh for the Department of Fisheries and
Oceans, January, 2010.
Vancouver Island Stream Enrichment-low level P determinations, C. Bob and E. Krogh for the BC Conservation
Foundation, November, 2009.
Levels in Segregated Forest Litter Samples from Clayquot Sound Forest District, K. Duncan, C. Gill, E. Krogh for International Forest Products, February, 2009.
Available Soil Nutrient Levels in Great Blue Heron Colonies on Vancouver Island, J. Nelson, C. Newhook, E.T. Krogh for Tamagawa Gakuen of Canada Society, February, 2008.
Levels in Segregated Forest Litter Samples from Clayquot
Sound Forest District, J.
Nelson, M. Lamarche, E. Krogh for International Forest Products, February,
Bay Air Quality Study Final Report, J. Etzkorn, E. Krogh and C.
Gill, Clean Air Research Fund, VIHA & GVHA, October, 2007.
Does Logging Elevated Ultraviolet Radiation Expousure of Streams Impact Juvenile Coho, M.L. Bothwell, D.M. Lynch, E.T. Krogh, Final
Technical Report, B.C. Forest Science Program, FSP Project #Y073151, May, 2007.
Levels in Segregated Forest Litter Samples from Clayquot
Sound Forest District, J.
Nelson, E.
Krogh, C. Gill for International Forest Products, December,
Levels in Forest Litter Fall Samples from Clayquot
Sound Forest District, S.
Corrin, E. Krogh, C. Gill for International Forest Products, Feburary, 2006.
Gabriola’s Groundwater Geochemistry, S. Earle and E. Krogh, Shale, April, 2004.
Invited Lectures and Other
E.T. Krogh, Navigating the Climate Turbulence – Deniers’ Smokescreen
not a smoking gun, Op-Ed Article, Victoria Times Colonist, Dec 17, 2009.
E.T. Krogh, The Science of Climate
Change, North Nanaimo Rotary Club, Radcliffe Auditorium,
Nanaimo, December 8th, 2009.
R. Glew, K. Hall, E. Smiley and E.T. Krogh, Nanaimo Probus Club, Climate Change: Facts, Fiction and Conversations. An invited panel discussion on climate science, energy conservation and public policy, Lantzville, December 3rd, 2009.
E.T. Krogh, S. Earle, J. Lewis and E. Smiley,
Climate Change: Facts, Fiction and Conversations. An invited panel
discussion on climate science, energy conservation and public policy, Vancouver
Island Conference Centre, Nanaimo, October 6th, 2009.
E.T. Krogh, The Chemistry of Carbon and Global Warming Potentials, invited
lecture for GEOL 412,
E.T. Krogh, Membrane Introduction Tandem
Mass Spectrometry: Theory and Application to Environmental Monitoring and
Membrane Transport,
E.T. Krogh, Sustaining Research and
Scholarship and Primarily Undergraduate Universities, Federation of
Post-Secondary Educators of BC, invited workshop at FPSE Convention and AGM,
E.T. Krogh and S. Earle, The Science of Climate Change, regular monthly segment on CHLY 101.7 FM
radio program ‘Not Rocket Science’.
E.T. Krogh, An Introduction to the Science of Climate Change, invited lecture
at Vancouver Island University, November 17, 2008
E.T. Krogh, Greenhouse Gases & Global Warming: Skeptics, Pragmatists and the
Controversy, invited lecture at Malaspina University College, November 30,
E.T. Krogh, Future Directions in Real-Time Environmental Monitoring in the Applied
Environmental Research Laboratories, Linking University with Industry,
October 19, 2007
E.T. Krogh, Research and Scholarly
Activity in Undergraduate Education, Panel Discussion at Malaspina
University-College, April 16, 2007
E.T. Krogh, Recent Advances in Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry:
Environmental Applications and Reaction Monitoring, invited speaker,
Department of Chemistry and Earth Science,
E.T. Krogh, Recent Advances in Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry:
Environmental Applications and In-situ Reaction Monitoring,
invited speaker, Department of Chemistry,
S. Earle and E. Krogh, Groundwater Issues on the Gulf Islands, invited speaker for the Gabriola Island Water Conservation Society, November, 2004.
E. Krogh, Advances in Real-Time
Air and Water Quality Measurements, invited speaker for the North Island
Research Forum,
E. Krogh, Sustaining Water Quality: Global and Regional Issues, a 60 minute CHLY Radio interview for the Changes radio program, Aug. 18th, 2004.
E. Krogh,
‘What’s in a Good Nose:
Strategies to Identify and Quantify Volatile Wine Components Using Membrane
Introduction Mass Spectrometry’ invited speaker for the Malaspina
Research Office Celebration of Research series,