An introduction to relations, functions and their inverses, linear and quadratic functions, systems and matrices. For students who plan to take further courses in mathematics for which a good Mathematics 12 background is a prerequisite. May not be taken for credit towards the VIU B.Sc. degree. (4:0:0) Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in one of Principles of Math 11, Pre-calculus 11, Applications of Math 12, or Foundations of Math 12; or a pass in Pre-calculus 12 or Principles of Math 12; or equivalent. May not be taken for credit by students who have received credit for any of the following (or equivalent): MATH 100, MATH 121, or MATH 191
Section Number: F12
Instructor: Dr. Lev V. Idels
Office hours: TBA or by appointments.
Office: 360/304
Ph: 7533245 Local 2429
Read the following material. It describes how this course will be run. You will be expected to be aware of everything on this document and to act accordingly.
Office hours give students the opportunity to ask in-depth questions and to explore points of confusion or interest that cannot be fully addressed in class. To make an appointment, see me after class, drop by my office, or send me an email.
Lecture Notes: Lecture notes will not be provided. Course attendance will be taken for granted. At times my lectures may deviate from the book.
Course Focus: Preparation for Calculus
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the basic skills necessary for entry into calculus courses. An introduction to equations, functions and their inverses, linear, quadratic, polynomial, and rational functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations and systems of inequalities. Our goal is to provide students with a clear understanding of the ideas of mathematics; develop both mathematical thinking and mathematical skills.
It is assumed that students have algebra skills at the level of Algebra 11, Math 11 or higher. Important skills will be reviewed (not taught) in the first class.
College Algebra and Trigonometry 5/E
by Lial ©2013 | Pearson
Grading: 4 midterms - 60% and Final Exam –40%
Dates for Midterms: Mon Sep 24, Mon Oct 15, Mon Nov 5 and Mon Nov 26
GRADES: Grades are awarded roughly as follows.
% |
90-10 |
85-89 |
80-84 |
76-79 |
72-65 |
68-71 |
64-67 |
60-63 |
55-59 |
50-54 |
0-49 |
Letter Grade |
A+ |
A |
A- |
B+ |
B |
B- |
C+ |
C |
C- |
D |
F |
Grade Point |
4.33 |
4.00 |
3.67 |
3.33 |
3.00 |
2.67 |
2.33 |
2.00 |
1.67 |
1.00 |
0.00 |
Important Information:
All midterms and final are
closed-boo test. Final exam is three hours long and
is held during the exam period. The midterm tests are
cumulative in nature. The solution to a
problem should be written bearing in mind that you are communicating to a reader
(me, in this case). Thus an answer should guide the reader toward the solution.
Midterm absence: If you are
unable to attend the midterm, you must notify the instructor in advance (Prior
to the due date) with a legitimate excuse or provide professional documentation
of any medical emergency etc. within two days of the exam date. In either of
these two cases (and only in these two cases), the weight of the final exam will
be increased to compensate for the missed midterm. Undocumented absence from the
midterm will be given a score of zero.
Syllabus (tentative):
Class etiquette: Use
of cell phones (including text messaging, answered or unanswered ringing etc.),
laptops, pagers, and most other electronic gizmos during class is highly
inappropriate and disrespectful to both the instructor and fellow students. Chit
chat with neighbours, even when whispered, is equally unacceptable.
Math Learning Centre Room 303 of building 360
This is an open (Hours TBA), friendly place offering
expert instruction to anyone who needs it. The center is staffed by
student-tutors selected from Vancouver Island University science programs. All
students are welcome to come and get help from fellow students.