Hot views and cool rocks around Hermosillo and other parts of Sonora, Mexico (from Steve's visit in December 2001)
Road map of the Hermosillo area and geology map of Mexico (click on the maps to see more detail)
Steve's route is shown in blue.  Some of the place-names given below are shown.
Click on any one of the images below to see a larger version
Some views of the Hermosillo area and inside the courtyard of the Governor's Mansion
The CESUES campus in Hermosillo
Outcrops of marble (with mafic dykes, and a shrine) near to Hermosillo
Outcrops of Permian conglomerate near to Mazatan
The Barison barite deposit
Rock exposures and the Yaqui River at Soyopa
The Baucarit Formation and the Yaqui River near to Tonichi
The Barranca Formation (1-4) and volcanic rocks (5) near to San Javiar
Tertiary rhyolite flows south of Hermosillo
Granite and rhyolite outcrops at San Carlos
Beach exposures and the Tetas de Cabra at San Carlos
Granite dyke through mafic volcanics at Tetas de Cabra
Volcanic rocks, including lahar deposits, at San Carlos
Breccia, flows and porphyritic flows at San Carlos


Steven Earle, Malaspina University College

January, 2002