Malaspina Cut Project photos

Click on a photo to see a larger version

Basalt (1-altered basalt, 2-fairly fresh basalt, 3-pillowed basalt, 4-close up of an altered pillow)

Altered basalt (1-quartz in breccia, 2-quartz and epidote, 3-quartz in a pillow)

Sandstone (1-conglomerate and coarse sandstone, 2-medium sandstone, 3-fine sandstone, 4-weathering of calcite rich layers in upper part of the outcrop)

Unconformity (1-wide view, 2-close-up view,  3-close-up view with annotation)

Hand specimen and thin-section sample sites (MC-02: basalt clast from the conglomerate, MC-03: matrix of sandy material from the conglomerate, MC-05: shell-rich sandstone, MC-06: sandstone with calcite vein)

Colour copies of the b&w photos that will be provided for your geological interpretation

A large panorama that was put together by Matt Thornington from original photos taken by Steve. Careful, it's over 7.5 Mb.


Steven Earle - Nov. 2008