Resources for the Malaspina Cut Project

Click here to access panoramic and close-up photographs of various geological features of the Malaspina Cut
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Reference / location

A summary of Vancouver Island geology

Steven Earle


Information on the volcanic rocks of the Malaspina Cut   

Sea-floor volcanic rocks


Sections 6.9 and 9.6 in the text


U. C. London


Karmutsen basalt within Strathcona Park

B.C. Geological Survey Publications/InfoCirc/IC1995-07/vflood.html

Karmutsen geology

Yorath et al.

A copy is available in the classroom

Displacement of the Karmutsen rocks

Yole and Irving

A copy is available in the classroom

Information on the sedimentary rocks of the Malaspina Cut 

Sedimentary rocks


Sections 7.8 and 7.9 in the text

Geology of the Nanaimo Group Steven Earle nanaimo-group.pdf
Nanaimo Group and the Wellington Seam Gwyneth Cathyl-Bickford (This is a UBC MSc thesis, so its quite technical.  There is a lot of background material in Chapter 2.)

Significance of the Malaspina Cut

Peter Mustard

mustard-ft.pdf (careful, its a large file - if you're having problems, right-click on the link and then choose the "save target as" option, then open it from your computer)

Information on the history of the rocks of the Malaspina Cut 

Mountain building, faulting and unconformities


Chapter 11 and section 12.6 in the text

Magnetic data from the Malaspina Cut (evidence in support of the Baja BC hypothesis)

Enkin et al., 2001

enkin.pdf (careful, its a large file - if you're having problems, right-click on the link and then choose the "save target as" option, then open it from your computer)

Evidence against the Baja BC hypothesis

Mahoney et al., 1999


 Steven Earle, November 2007