A) Energy Use        

 1. Do you have access to a car for your personal use?  

 Yes, for my sole use                Yes, shared with someone else                    No


2. On an average, how many km/week do you drive?   <5    5-100    100-200    200-500     >500

3. What is the gas mileage of your car (in litres/100 km)?   no car     < 8 (eg. compact car)

8-12  (small to medium car)        12-16 (medium to large car)     > 16  (SUV or large truck)


4. Do you ever car pool to work/school?     Yes        No        No one lives near to me


5. Do you ever take the bus?   Yes         No          There Is no bus that works for me


6. Do you ever walk or bike?   Yes        No           I live too far away


7 How many hours/day is your computer on?  0 (or don't have one)  1-4   5-9  10-14   15-24


8. How many hours a day is your TV on?   0 (or don't have one)  1-4   5-9  10-14   15-24


9. How many hours a day is your stereo on?   0 (or don't have one)  1-4   5-9  10-14   15-24


10. Do you turn your lights off when you leave the room?      Always   Usually    Seldom     


11. How many loads of laundry do you do each week (for yourself)?    0-1    2     3     4 or more


B) Waste

 12. Do you recycle?: 

 Always, even if it's out of my way      Usually, if it's convenient      Not usually      Never


13. How much garbage do you (personally) create in one week?      < ¼  can    < ½   can       

 about one can full      more than one can


14. When you drink a cup of coffee or tea, do you normally use:   

 A reusable mug                A styrofoam or paper cup      Don’t drink coffee or tea


C) Water Use

15. Do you leave the water running while brushing your teeth or washing your face?    Yes      No


16. How long do you spend in the shower per week?

 30 minutes or less      30-60 minutes      60-90 minutes      More than 90 minutes


 17. Do you run the dishwasher or laundry without a full load?

 never                sometimes                 frequently


18. How much water does it take to make one kilogram of beef?

 less than 500 litres    1000 litres    5000 litres    10000 litres    more than 10000 litres


19. Are you:      Vegan      Vegetarian      Don't eat meat often      Gotta have meat!  


D) Miscellaneous

20. Circle all of the following activities you might do during a weekend or holiday more than 4 times a year.

 Drive to some other place (> 200 km round trip)     Fly to some other city      Go to the mall   

 Drive to go camping/skiing/kayaking/biking/hiking      Go for a run, hike or bike ride near to home