Questions for Geology 312
(modified January 2005)
I recommend that you try answering these questions either during or at the end of each of the 6 units of the course. Please use the course notes and/or textbook as a resource, and please work with other students. Let me know if you have any problems
Unit 1
1. The clay minerals are sheet-silicates.
Explain what this means about their atomic structure and the arrangement
of their silica tetrahedra.
Draw simple cross-section diagrams of the clay
minerals kaolinite and illite, using T-O notation to represent the
tetrahedral and octahedral layers.
3. Describe the chemical difference between illite and smectite and the implications of this difference to the behaviour of these minerals.
4. Describe the
most common origin of clay minerals at the
earth's surface in terms of what minerals they form from and how.
5. Name the three features of clay minerals that cause
them to be strong absorbers of cations such as the heavy metals.
6. Describe what is happening when a smectite mineral
swells, and discuss some of the geological implications of this swelling.
7. Explain why the temperature
of the stratosphere is higher than that of the upper troposphere.
8. The output from the sun during the Archean was
significantly less than it is now. Explain why
the temperature on the earth's surface was quite similar to what it is now.
9. Describe the wavelength differences between
light emitted by the sun and that emitted by the warm surfaces of the earth.
List four greenhouse gases, in order of their
contribution to the greenhouse effect.
Describe some natural and anthropogenic sources of
atmospheric CO2.
Explain how greenhouse gases work to keep the earth
Explain the role of ocean currents in controlling the
earth's climate, and give an example of how changes in current patterns could contribute to climate
Unit 2
1. Explain what the elastic rebound theory has to do with
2. Explain the relationship between stress transfer and
3. What parameters are used in the calculation of moment
4. Give several reasons why the damage from the
Mexico quake was much worse in Mexico City than in some other cities which were
situated much closer to the epicentre.
5. Draw a sketch of the plate distribution of our region, and explain the origin of some of the earthquakes of this area.
6. Describe the ways in which the 1946 Vancouver
earthquake affected (a) buildings and (b) soils.
7. Describe the effects of the 1964 Alaska earthquake in
terms of subsidence and uplift. Which
areas were uplifted and which areas subsided?
Roughly how much uplift and subsidence was there?
8. Prior to about 1985 it was widely considered that large (> M8) earthquakes did not occur on the Juan de Fuca (Cascadia) Subduction zone. Describe some of the evidence that led to a change in thinking on this issue.
Describe the plate tectonic setting of the December 26th 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
10. The Sumatra earthquake and tsunami is described as the worst natural disaster in human history. Give several reasons why it was so bad.
Describe two important tools that can be used for
predicting the general likelihood that an earthquake will occur in a particular
12. If you were to buy a house in Nanaimo, what factors would you consider in order to be confident that it will not be badly damaged in a large earthquake.
Unit 3
1. What are the typical ranges of SiO2 in
felsic, intermediate and mafic magmas, and how do these differences affect magma
viscosity and eruption characteristics?
2. Explain the effects that exsolution of gases and
crystallization of microlites have on magma viscosity.
3. Why do magmas generated at subduction zones tend to be
both more felsic and more variable than those from hot spots?
4. What tectonic process causes the opening of fissures
on Iceland?
5. Describe how the magmas erupted at Mt. Hekla can be
more felsic (on average) than those of the mantle-plume magma which feeds this
6. The 1980 Mt. St. Helens lahars were derived from two
different sources. Describe the timing and origins of these two types of lahars.
7. Upon what types of information did authorities base their decision to close the area around Mt. St. Helens in the spring of 1980?
8. What was the evidence that volcanic activity was imminent at Mt. St. Helens in September 2004?
9. To what can we attribute the cyclic nature of dome
deformation and seismic activity at Montserrat in1996 and 1997?
10. Explain why volcanic eruptions on Hawaii are less dangerous to life than those at typical subduction-related volcanoes.
11. Describe the differences in the nature and the formation of pahoehoe and aa lava flows.
Describe the general locations and geological origins
of the three types of volcanism which are observed in British Columbia.
Mt. Cayley hasn't erupted for around 200,000 years,
and is not expected to erupt any time soon.
Explain why it is still considered to be a geological hazard.
14. Name the three main gases which accompany volcanic eruptions.
15. What happens (chemically) to volcanic SO2 introduced into the atmosphere, and what is its net affect on global temperature?
Unit 4
1. Describe
(in general terms) the variations in global temperature since
the beginning of the Tertiary (65 m.y. ago) and since the beginning of the
Quaternary (2.5 m.y. ago).
2. Describe some of the factors that are considered as
possible triggering mechanisms for the Pleistocene glaciation.
3. Name and describe the 3 orbital and rotational elements of the Milankovitch cycles, and explain how and why each can affect the global climate.
4. What is a U-shaped valley, how does it form, and why
is it significant to slope stability?
5. Describe the diagnostic textural characteristics of a
glacial till, and explain where lodgement till is formed with respect to the ice
of a
6. Glaciation produces a large amount of sediment in
addition to till. Name two other
depositional environments associated with glaciers, and describe the types of
sediments associated with them.
7. Describe some of the factors that control soil
8. Categorize the following terms with respect to the
type of material that fails, and the rate of motion:
type of material |
type and rate of motion |
slide |
slump |
flow |
creep |
fall |
debris torrent |
9. What does the term angle of repose mean, and how is
the angle of repose in unconsolidated materials affected by the water content?
Explain why the existence of swelling clays can be
significant to landslides.
Give at least three reasons why slope failure is so
common along the Sea to Sky Highway.
Describe some of the important geological features
that contributed to the potential for failure at the Hope Slide site.
Unit 5
1. Explain why a magmatic nickel deposit could not exist
in a felsic host rock.
2. Why is there a difference in copper concentrations
between volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits and sedimentary exhalative
3. Describe the role of the intrusive body (ie. the
porphyritic stock) in the genesis of a porphyry deposit.
4. What sulphide mineral is common to most metal
deposits, and what are the environmental implications of its widespread
5. Identify
the ultimate source of the energy for the following energy resources: coal,
geothermal, wind, hydro, tidal, nuclear.
6. What situation is essential in order for organic
material to preserved long enough to form a coal deposit?
7. Why is natural gas less of an environmental problem
than oil, and oil less than coal?
8. Explain why the low thermal conductivity of rocks can
limit the longevity of a geothermal field.
9. Explain why an unconsolidated clay deposit with
porosity of around 50% might have a lower permeability level than a sand deposit
with porosity of around 25%.
Explain the difference between the “water table”
and the “potentiometric surface”.
Calculate the theoretical flow rate within an aquifer with a
permeability of 0.01 cm/sec and a gradient in the potentiometric surface of 5 m
(vertical) for every 100 m (horizontal).
Using a cross-section diagram, show a cone of
depression around a well, and how can it lead to one well going dry when another
one near by is being pumped.
Explain why iron-oxide minerals commonly precipitate
at locations where groundwater comes to surface.
What is the most common groundwater contaminant, and
what are some of its sources?
What are the main contaminants within typical landfill leachate solutions?
What are the main gases released from a landfill?
What main geological criteria should be applied to the siting of a landfill?
What characteristics of the waste rock should be assessed in efforts to predict
the acid-producing potential of a mine development?
What was the source of the metal contamination in the Myra Creek area at Buttle
Lake in the late 1970's, and what has been done to eliminate this contamination?
Describe the system of multiple barriers which is proposed for nuclear waste
Why is disposal deep within the rocks of the Canadian Shield being promoted as a
viable solution for the long-term disposal of nuclear waste?
Two different areas have similar slopes (of between 40 and 60%), but one is well
drained and the other is poorly drained. Based on the information in Table 6.1,
what are the terrain stability classes of these areas?
Describe some of the features which may indicate that a slope has been or is
prone to failure.
List some reasons why a logged slope might be more susceptible to failure than a
similar unlogged slope.
What are the main reasons why forest road construction can lead to slope
instability, and how can such instability can be minimized?
What is one of the most important rock parameters to consider when planning a
major road cut?
What types of rocks should not be used as aggregate for fill?
What types of rocks should not be used to make concrete?
16. Why might the Malaspina Cut have been cut to a ¼ to 1 slope as opposed to the designed ½ to 1 slope?