This information has been copied (with minor modifications shown in blue) from the website of the Geology Department at the Univ. of Texas at San Antonio)


A.    The silicon tetrahedron:  Silicon (Si+4) is typically surrounded by four oxygen atoms (O-2) to form a stable silicon tetrahedron (SiO4).  This geometric structure is very strong, because the tiny silica atom nestles perfectly between four large oxygens, covalently bonded to each.  On the other hand, this structure results in an excess charge of -4.


One or more of the oxygens are often “shared” by adjacent silica tetrahedra, reducing the charge difference.

2 tetrahedra not sharing oxygen:             SiO4        -8

2 tetrahedra sharing one oxygen:             Si2O7        -6

2 tetrahedra sharing two oxygens:           SiO3        -4

2 tetrahedra sharing 3 oxygens:              Si2O5        -2

tetrahedra sharing all 4 oxygens:            SiO2         charge balanced


To balance the remaining charge, metals cations, commonly Mg+2, Fe+2, Ca+2, Na+1, K+1, and Al+3, are added by ionic bonding.



In the following list of structures I have "greyed-out" the ones that we are not talking about in GEOL-111. I have highlighted the structure terms that we are using.


B. Silicate structures:                          basic unit:         mineral examples:

1.       Nesosilicates:  independent tetrahedra      SiO4                      olivine,



2.     Sorosilicates:  linked by one oxygen          Si2O7                     epidote



3.     Cyclosilicates:  rings of tetrahedra            SixO3x                      beryl




4.     Inosilicates:      single chains                      SiO3                      pyroxenes

                 double chains                    Si4O11                    amphiboles



5.        Phyllosilicates:  sheet silicates                  Si4O10                   micas,









6.     Tectosilicates:  framework silicates             SiO2                    quartz

         3-D (not draw-able)                       AlSi3O8              feldspars


C.    Common silicate minerals (Typical mineral formulae are shown with ferromagnesian silicates highlighted

in green, and non-ferromagnesian silicates highlighted in pink.)


1.      Olivine: (Mg,Fe)2SiO4


      T=1890ºC (Mg) to 1205ºC (Fe)


2.      Pyroxene:  XYSi2O6 where X=Na, Ca, Mn, Fe, Mg, Li

 Y=Mn, Fe, Mg, Mg, Al, Cr, Ti

       and Al can substitute for Si

Single chain inosilicate

Therefore 2 different directions of cleavage at 87 to 93º

Augite, a common pyroxene, is Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6


3.      Amphibole:    X0-1Y2Z5Si8O22 where  X=Na, K

Y=Ca, Na, Mn, Fe, Mg, Li

Z=Mn, Fe, Mg, Al, Ti

and Al can substitute for Si

                        double chain inosilicate

                        Therefore 2 directions of cleavage  near 60 and 120º

                                      Hornblende is Ca2(Fe,Mg)5Si8O22(OH)2


4.      Micas:  phyllosiliciates

Therefore cleaves into sheets

a.       Biotite:  K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(OH)2—dark mica


b.      Muscovite:  KAl2AlSi3O10(OH)2—white mica


5.      Feldspars:     (Al,Si)4O8 tectosilicates

KAlSi3O8  --  NaAlSi3O8  --  CaAl2Si2O8

            Alkali feldspars] - [plagioclase feldspars


a.       plagioclase feldspars:

--continual series Ca >> Na

--key to ID is twinning:    A plane along which a crystal mirrors itself. 

Seen as fine thin straight parallel lines.

b.      alkali feldspars:

--orthoclase (often salmon pink):  plutonic

--microcline (often green):  pegmatites

--sanidine (often tiny shiny phenocrysts):  volcanic

--perthitic texture: thick wavy intergrowth of 2 feldspars at high temp


6.      Quartz: SiO2 tectosilicates



D.   Bowen’s Reaction Series:




  Pyroxenes                            feldspar




                          Biotite        Na-plagioclase



                           Potassium Feldspar

