GEOL-412 project - How to get started working with the weather data files

1) Open XXX-avgt.csv in Excel (where XXX is the 3-letter code for your station)

2) Insert 2 blank columns to the left of column F (“Daily data”)

3) Write “Mean-month” in cell F2

4) In cell F3 create an average of all the data in cells H3 to Al 3 [ =average(H3:AL3) ]

5) Copy the contents of F3 all the way to the bottom row of the data file

6) Write “12-point” in G2

7) In cell G9 create an average of cells F3 to F14 [ =average(F3:F14) ] (this is a “12-point average”)

8) Copy cell G9 to 6 rows short of the bottom of the data file (this is now a 12-point moving average)

9) Save the file in xlsx or xls format (not csv) or everything that you’ve done will be lost!

Follow the same procedure for the precipitation data, except that the value for each month should be the sum, not the average.



1) Create a new sheet and label it graphs

2) In cell A1 click on the Insert tab, then on Scatter.  Select “Scatter with straight lines and markers”

3) Right- click in the empty graph

4) Click “Select data”, then “Add” 

5) Type “Monthly mean T” in the Title box

6) Click on the little red arrow to the right of the “series X value box” and go to the XXX-avgt tab

7) Select all of the data in the “Decimal-Date” column and then hit Enter

8) Click on the little red arrow to the right of the “series Y value box” and go to the XXX-avgt tab

9) Select all of the data in the “Mean-month” column and then hit Enter

10) Click OK to exit both dialogue boxes

11) Fix up the graph axes, and reduce the size of the markers