GEOL-412 - Climate Change: past, present & future

A remnant of the Larsen B ice shelf Antarctica (




Erik recommends these websites for information on climate change  This NASA site has great graphics on the Earth in general and many on climate change topics.  You can subscribe to receive a weekly e-mail update of new topics.  This is another NASA website with lots of information on climate change.  This is a website written by climate scientists from around the world providing information and commentary on climate-change issues.

Geological time-scale  For your reference, here are links to two versions of the geological time scale.  The second one is the official one from the Int. Union of Geological Scientists.  timescale.gif / iugs-timescale.pdf


Information on past and future climate change in BC from the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, the FORREX watershed management bulletin Streamline and the BC Ministry of Forests
PCIC.ClimateOverfiew.pdf, streamline-1-2-1.pdf, streamline-1-2-2.pdf, min-for-tr045.pdf

Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (U. Vic.)

Steve's presentation on the factors that control the earth's climate: climate-system-2011.pdf
Greg's PowerPoint presentation on solar variation: GEOL412-Sun-2011.pdf
Information and links from Erik's presentation on C chemistry:  chem of carbon and GWPS 2010.pdf
David GG presentation on biological sequestration david-GG-biosequestration.pdf
Steve's presentation on plate tectonics and climate change plate-tectonics.pdf
Jeff's presentation on Snowball Earth snowball-earth.pdf
Oxygen isotopes: oxygen-isotope-fractionation.pdf, Orbital cycles: 125-graphs.pdf, eccentricity-table.pdf, orbitals.xls
Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum - Carbon isotopes and methane hydrates and the PETM
Millenial-scale climate changes of the last glaciation    Summaries of Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich cycles: DO-Heinrich.htm and Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles.pdf  Link to the NOAA slide set on Heinrich cycles:, The EPICA file on the European ice coring effort in Antarctica, and their interpretation of Greenland vs Antarctica variation during DO events: epica-Oer2008a.pdf
Climate change since deglaciation  - Scientific American article by Ruddiman - Human activities & Climate Change In-class presentation on ocean cycles: Ocean cycles.pdf and report on the British-American project to measure the Atlanitc thermohaline circulation: Bryden_rapid4oopc.pdf
Modern climate forcing and climate-change impacts  Ocean current cycles - Climate forcing factors - Tropical Storms and climate change - Pine beetle and climate change - Ocean Acidification
Present and Future Climate change IPPC Projections - Copenhangen and COP 15 - 350 ppm - Hansen et al, 2008, Lenton and Vaughn 2009