Photos from the Southern Vancouver Island Field trip
Oct. 18, 2003
niagara1.jpg | Niagara Falls in full flood with water on my lens. Pacific Rim Terrane, Leach River Complex phyllite |
niagara2.jpg | Niagara Falls creek - Pacific Rim Terrane, Leach River Complex phyllite |
cordova1.jpg | Cordova Bay beach exposure - Wrangellia Terrane, Karmutsen Fm. basalt |
cordova2.jpg | Cordova Bay beach exposure - Wrangellia Terrane, Karmutsen Fm. basalt |
harland1.jpg | Harland Pt. (Chinese Cemetery) - Pacific Rim Terrane, Leach River Complex phyllite in the foreground and Wrangellia Terrane, Wark gneiss in the background |
harland2.jpg | Harland Pt. (Chinese Cemetery) - a sliver of Pacific Rim Terrane, Leach River Complex within the Wrangellia Terrane, Wark gneiss - the fault contact between two terranes |
finlayson1.jpg | Finlayson Pt. - Wrangellia Terrane, Wark gneiss. Is it migmatite or just the invasion of a brecciated metamorphosed basalt by a felsic magma? Note the distinctive glacial groves and the the glacial till on the left. |
finlayson2.jpg | Finlayson Pt. - Wrangellia Terrane, Wark gneiss. |
metchosin1.jpg | Witty's Lagoon (Metchosin) - Crescent Terrane - Metchosin Igneous Complex pillow basalt |
Steven Earle, Malaspina University-College