Photos from the Southern Vancouver Island Field trip 

Oct. 18, 2003

niagara1.jpg Niagara Falls in full flood with water on my lens.  Pacific Rim Terrane, Leach River Complex phyllite
niagara2.jpg Niagara Falls creek - Pacific Rim Terrane, Leach River Complex phyllite
cordova1.jpg Cordova Bay beach exposure - Wrangellia Terrane, Karmutsen Fm. basalt
cordova2.jpg Cordova Bay beach exposure - Wrangellia Terrane, Karmutsen Fm. basalt
harland1.jpg Harland Pt. (Chinese Cemetery) - Pacific Rim Terrane, Leach River Complex phyllite in the foreground and Wrangellia Terrane, Wark gneiss in the background
harland2.jpg Harland Pt. (Chinese Cemetery) - a sliver of Pacific Rim Terrane, Leach River Complex within the Wrangellia Terrane, Wark gneiss - the fault contact between two terranes
finlayson1.jpg Finlayson Pt. - Wrangellia Terrane, Wark gneiss.  Is it migmatite or just the invasion of a brecciated metamorphosed basalt by a felsic magma?  Note the distinctive glacial groves and the the glacial till on the left.
finlayson2.jpg Finlayson Pt. - Wrangellia Terrane, Wark gneiss. 
metchosin1.jpg Witty's Lagoon (Metchosin) - Crescent Terrane - Metchosin Igneous Complex pillow basalt

Steven Earle, Malaspina University-College