Monsr. de Mollinedo, Secretary to the Embassy from the Court of
Spain, having represented, That it is His Catholic Majesty's Intention to
fit out Two Frigates, under the command of Don
Alexandro Malaspina, and Don Joseph
Bustamente, for the purpose of making a Voyage round the World, and that
His Catholic majesty has requested That orders may be given to the Governors
or Commanders of all the Ports and Places belonging to the King, that those
officers may meet with a favorable reception, and all the aid and assistance
for which they may have occasion, I have the King's command to signify to
you His Majesty's Pleasure, that in case the said Ships should arrive within
the limits of your government, you are to shew them every degree of attention,
and to afford the Commanders of them any assistance which they may stand in
need of, and which it may be in your power to give them, in order to enable
them to carry His Catholic Majesty's orders into Execution.1
1 Oregon Historical Society Library, "Malaspina Papers", MS 2814, no.21
Updated: June 13, 2018