Gazette Nationale ou le Moniteur Universel

No. 60, Decadi, 30th Brumaire, Year 3 of the French Republic, one and indivisible (7-20 IX 1794, v. st.)
Madrid, October 1st. The American convoy, coming from Lima and Buenos Aires, has arrived, part of it at Cádiz, part of it at La Coruña. The Court has received news of it. This convoy is carrying a great amount of silver belonging to those involved. This silver will be deposited in the Royal Treasury, and its owners will receive in exchange promissory notes or some form of paper money.
There returned with the convoy two corvettes under the command of Captain Malaspina. He it was who was sent in 1789 to make a journey of [scientific] observation around the globe. The Public awaits with eagerness the account of this useful voyage.
The Court is always making levies of men. It announces today that Navarre has supplied 4000. A  new company of guards of the corp will be created, under the name of the "American Company."

French Original

Text courtesy of Dario Manfredi, translated by John Black.

Updated: June 13, 2018