Cádiz, July 3. According to letters from Lima dated last February 28th, the frigate of the Real Armada the Astréa, under the command of Frigate Captain D. Alexandro Malaspina, chartered by the Crown to the Compañía de Filipinas, arrived at Callao on the 3rd of that month after 5 [months] and 26 days’ sailing from this bay [Cádiz], having kept all of its cargo in good condition during the successful voyage. The extraordinary labour of unloading and transporting all the merchandise to Lima, gathering provisions, making small repairs aboard ship and collecting money for Manila was completed in only 24 days, before the ship set off on the next leg of its voyage, from Callao to the Philippines, on February 27th.
Spanish text courtesy of Robert King. Translated by María Soto de Podriske, Lorill Ireland and John Black.
Updated: June 13, 2018