by Robert J. King
De inv. rhet. l.1. c.2.
New Holland, an island of enormous
extent or it might be said, a third continent,
is the future homeland
of a new civilized society which, however mean its beginning may seem to be,
nevertheless promises within a short time to become very important. We do
not wish to enumerate the thousands of examples whereby this assumption, founded
on the course of nature and the evidence of history, receives the highest
degree of probability. It is sufficient for our purpose that from similar
small, almost imperceptible seeds, a great state has germinated before our
eyes in less than a hundred-and-fifty years, which has achieved independence
No European mineralogist
has yet set foot on New Holland. Cook’s companions are silent on the products
of the mineral world and the charms of the flora seem to have made them
forget that the earth over which they hastened also deserved the attention
of the savant. The surgeon [William] Anderson, who visited Van Diemens Land
with Cook in the year 1777, found there a fine-grained pale sandstone and
sandy soil, alternating with stretches of lighter, yellowish mould and reddish
clay. A clue to more important underground wealth seems meanwhile to be suggested
by the compass needle, which in several parts of the coast between the 22nd
and 19th degrees of latitude suddenly exhibited large deviations or pointed
not quite straight, giving clear indications of the metallic content of the
high land in those parts. Another circumstance which gives ground for probable
assumptions concerning the constitution of the mountains of New Holland is
the exploration of the island of New Caledonia, which was discovered on Cook’s
second voyage at a distance of approximately 230 German miles eastward between
the 20th and 23rd degrees South latitude. This island, of which Cook took
care to tell us that its soil and its products showed a remarkable similarity
to the coasts of New Holland visited by him, differs in the character of its
mountains from all the island groups of the
Not actual lack of water, but nevertheless lack of rivers
and considerable streams, is a distinguishing feature of the new country,
which is not dissimilar to parts of southern
The heights along
the seashore are covered with a light sandy soil, which because of its great
dryness does not promise a flourishing yield of vegetation, and is generally
unfit for cultivation. But one also finds hills covered with better soil where
woods alternate with grassy areas, and both flats and valleys often display
rich, luxuriant clumps of grass, which the hand of the husbandman can easily
make into meadows and fields. Here one finds a soil of black earth, undisturbed,
perhaps, for many thousands of years, formed by the annual decay of vegetable
matter. In the dry season nothing is easier than to put the withered grass,
which reaches taller than a man, to the torch and thus reduce the area far
and wide to ashes. When Cook took a turtle from one of the wretched savages
who inhabit this coast in small numbers, they revenged themselves by devastating
the area with fire and by trying to set the tents alight. He who knows the
steppe fire in
The shoals and reefs which surround by far the greater part of New
Holland and make navigation in the northern parts extremely unsafe, are well
known to be the work of small polyp-like animalcules, which only since the
investigations of [Jean André] Peyssonel have been admitted to be a form of
animal life. One is astonished at the miraculous cellular construction of
such soft and, to appearance, insubstantial creatures. The walls of rock with
creatures living on them grow, as it were, from the unfathomable depths of
the sea, which no lead-line can plumb, spreading their branches ever outward
in every direction the closer they approach to the surface. Here the breaking
waves strike incessantly on the fragile home of the polyp, which nevertheless
resists their force and forms within its boundaries calm havens. Tracts of
several hundred miles are enclosed within these coral reefs and often they
extend so far into the open sea that the eye cannot see the coast from outside
their limits. The hardiest seafarer is afraid at this astonishing sight when
the prevailing wind drives his ship upon it, and he despairs when a dead calm
makes him entirely a sacrifice to the will of the waves, and only the roar
of the foaming breakers disturbs the awful stillness of nature. The first
discoverer of such terrible rock walls usually struggles with tenfold danger
and ventures his life for the safety of subsequent navigators. Even Cook,
when he sailed along the coast of
The sea around New
Holland, which possesses such a wealth of sea snails and shellfish, also swarms
with all kinds of fish, water insects and amphibians. On these coasts there
are rare crabs and lobsters, including especially two so far little-known
species, distinguished by their abdomens, the one a brilliant ultramarine
and the other like completely white-glaze porcelain. In all the ports and
bays the fish swim in the greatest abundance and with a considerable variety
of species. Cook seldom set a seine without catching from fifty to two hundred
pound of fish. There are besides mullet, elephant fish (Chimaera callorynchus), skate, shark, sole, flounder, sea-cock, earfish
[abalone] and others to some extent already known, and an even more considerable
quantity of species never hitherto described. Included in these is a curious
little fish with very strong pectoral fins, which at times remains on the
dry land, probably left there by the ebb-tide. Far from being weakened by
this change in the elements, it hops briskly like a frog from one stone to
another, without even seeking to stay in puddles. Included in the kinds of
ray, the Stingray is remarkable on account of its sting, which the natives
of New Holland fasten to a wooden shaft to make a spear. On the reefs and
on the banks, particularly in the northern parts, there is an incredible quantity
of the best green turtles (Testudo midas),
and in addition a species of crocodile, which come into the bays and river
mouths. On land may be seen a quantity of large and small lizards and snakes
of various kinds, among which may be found some that are poisonous. An army
of insects of a variety of forms lives in these great wastes, as in the hotter
deserts of
The class of the birds is no less numerous and diverse.
There is a beautiful white eagle, different falcons, large and small parrots
of exceptional beauty, as well as white cockatoos, pigeons, bustards, quails,
ravens, herons and cranes. The pigeons fly together in large flocks and are
distinguished by a dainty crest on the head. The quails and crows are no different
from the European, at least according to Cook’s report. The sea and water
birds are sea gulls, cormorants, brent geese, boobies, terns, plovers, wild
geese, ducks and pelicans of an enormous size. Of the smaller fowl, except
for a kind of bunting, none is particularly mentioned; but Mr. Anderson says
that in Van Diemens Land a wagtail with a sky-blue head and neck is found.
There one also sees the black oyster-catcher of
In a country so
extensive, quadrupeds also may be assumed to exist, even though it may be the case that the explorers, who were only few
days on the coast, saw none of them. Is it not hard to understand how a country
which is more than five hundred German miles in each direction, should have
turned out to be so empty; and even less, why the mammals that are there should
have appeared just at the two or three points on the coast which were touched
at by Europeans in order, as it were, to undergo examination? But without
regard for what the future inhabitants of New Holland may yet perhaps discover,
we will be content for now with discussing what has already been actually
discovered there. Cook found there a kind of wild cat, and the track of a
larger animal, which must from all the circumstances and from several which
were seen from afar to be judged to be similar to the wolf. Besides these,
he mentions a kind of polecat, which were called quolls by the savages. They are brown with white spots on the back
and have a white belly. The large bat, which is probably the Roussette [fruit
bat] of Mr. Buffon,
belongs likewise in the catalogue of New Holland animals. Finally, one finds
there yet another two species of marsupial,
one of them perhaps the Phalanger [opossum] of Mr. de Buffon, the other the
Kangaroo, which has already been described by Cornelys de Bruyn (as the renowned
[Pieter] Camper reminds us). The latter grows nearly as large as a sheep,
and is recognizable from the length of its hind legs, on which with unbelievable
speed it hops on its way without ever using its short front feet. These two
animals give one proof among others of the felicitous temper of the climate
of New Holland, as being found not only around Endeavour River in the fifteenth
degree of southern latitude but also on the utmost southerly point of Van
Diemens Land around Adventure Bay. The marsupial which so resembles the Phalanger,
is very different from the kangaroo in its way of life: it climbs in the trees
and feeds itself partly on berries; perhaps it also occasionally hangs from
the branches by its tail, of which about a third is hairless and which seems
to be made for grasping and wrapping around. The dogs are mentioned by Captain
Cook as the only tame animals; however they were in small number and no more
than two or three were seen. Sometimes they visited the tents of the Englishmen
in order to get bones or other scraps thrown away from meals. Strange that
Man, who here stands at his lowest level, nevertheless has this sociable,
faithful beast for his companion! Let us see whether it is credible that reason
taught him to select this friend from among the creatures of the earth; or
whether rather mutual need and blind instinct may have led them together?
Among all the races which may claim to be called human,
that which inhabits New Holland is the most wretched.
They live without
agriculture, without clothes and without dwellings. One never saw more than
fifteen warriors assembled, even in cases where they were obviously contemplating
an attack on the Europeans and therefore had called together their full strength.
Fish and shellfish are their principal fare; at the most, if fortune favours
them greatly, they devour a kangaroo, a bird, a turtle and occasionally, a
wild yam or a handful of berries from the woods. They have no occasion whatever
to leave the confines of the coast, and both their small number and complete
lack of civilization obviously prove a recent origin for the population. As
well, one finds the same people living on the east and west coasts, and on
the northern
The savages on the
coast are of medium size, well-proportioned and stout, but not especially
lively and, like all savages, inactive and lazy. All reports agree that their
hair is as frizzy and woolly as that of the Negro in
These people, without
permanent abode, without property, without furniture, who have nothing to
lose and nothing to defend, without care for the morrow, simply let themselves
be ruled and determined solely by the needs of the present moment; these savages
scattered so individually nevertheless feel that they rather stand in each
others’ way than that they should make to lighten each others’ burden. Their
industry does not suffice by itself to sweeten their life and to procure the
many different kinds of amenities; instead, they are provided only with the
weapons in their hands, with which they can either drive their neighbour from
their rich fishing-grounds, or ward off their attacks. Certainly, this kind
of hostile, solitary attitude is also in the end a path to civilization; it
may end unexpectedly, like all human institutions, however paradoxically it
might seem, in good sense, in deliberation with reflection, and would therefore
lead to sociability. But how slowly must not this means work in a country
where the population is so inconsiderable? Millennia could yet pass before
one tribe was driven by another into such narrow straits that they would sacrifice
either their freedom or their security, and either accept a new relationship
with their conqueror or seek out some plant they could eat and, in the interior
of the country far from their pursuers, take their subsistence from its cultivation.
The weapons, which we previously mentioned, are eight to
fourteen foot long lances of cane, with one or several points fastened to
them of heavy wood, fish bones, or the sting of the stingray, full of barbs
or pieces of sharp mussel shell. These lances are thrown either from a free
hand, or by means of a throwing-stick in which the shaft of the lance is lain
in a groove or a slot. For defence they use oblong, three foot long by eighteen
inch wide bark shields. The hunt for turtle requires its own tool, which if
needs be can serve for defence. It is a wooden spike about a foot long and
with strong barbs set into it. This fits into a thick shaft of light wood,
let into a recess in one end of it. A three to four fathom long line connects
both sections in such a way that one end is fastened to the point, the other
to the stock. Now, as soon as the animal is struck, the point remains stuck
in the flesh while the stock trails behind it, and stays tied only to the
line, such that it serves as a floating marker whereby one keeps track of
the turtle and at the same time can tire it. In a bag woven from yarn, they
carry fish hooks of shell, which are rather nicely made; both red and white
body paint, and their usual finery, as well as some points for their lances,
and few bits of a resin which they use to glue on these points. Their woodwork
smoothens it with the rough leaves of a wild fig tree. At the spots
where they are wont to stay were found a kind of pail made from bark, with
which they probably scoop water and carry it from one place to another. Their
boats are also made of bark, and only in the northern parts did one notice
a few consisting of hollowed out trees. A hollow tree which, however, is still
standing and green, is their most comfortable abode. They hollow it out by
fire for up to seven or eight feet from the ground and make a hearth of clay
inside it around which, if the tree is large enough,
There was too little opportunity to associate with these
people to be able to be provided with any definite knowledge about their character,
their customs and their rather primitive ideas. Reserve, with a certain good
nature, was the general feature which marked the relations of the Europeans
and the New Hollanders. At only one place, in
However that may be, at least it remains beyond doubt that the handful of natives scattered over a land of such great extent did not come into consideration in planting a European settlement there, and they are of as little threat to the colony as, for the time being, it can be harmful to them. How easily might the forty or fifty people who now roam over the area where the settlement is to take place be able to find another abode which is just as convenient for their purposes! And who can know what happy influence the example of the European settlers themselves can have on these uncultured, but not barbaric natives? Their ever so simple fishing tackle, their twine and their weapons are proofs of skill and ability, which perhaps only want to be drawn forth and suitably led. They only lack, perhaps, a beneficent Triptolemus who would bestow upon them some cultivable plant! [†††] But aside from this object, taking possession of New Holland can bring about yet more important consequences. The place which has been chosen for the first English settlement, which was called Botany Bay by Cook because of its wealth of plants, is of all the harbours so far known on that coast admitted to have the most favourable position, the most pleasant climate and the most productive soil. It is situated in the latitude of 34 degrees South, and in longitude 151 degrees 23 minutes East of Greenwich, is spacious, safe and comfortable, has a stream of fresh water on its northern shore where a ship may lie at anchor completely sheltered by the land, and its stores of wood and water can be taken on very easily. The country there is of a very moderate elevation, its soil light, with the trees growing so far apart from each other that the whole area, excluding some marshy places, could therefore be made arable without it being necessary to cut down a single tree. All the products of the land listed above are overflowing there and the whole population does not approach more than thirty or forty persons, including women and children. Hither the British Government in the future will call those criminals over whom the sentence of exile has been pronounced for committing thefts, robberies, forgeries, and so on. Formerly this punishment was transportation for life or for fourteen, seven or only three years to North America, and as a consequence of this process being prevented by the war with those colonies they were put into large flat-bottomed hulks on the Thames to work on removing the sandbanks from the river. However, with time the maintenance of so considerable a number of persons placed a heavy burden on the public, particularly since of late years the number of this riff-raff has grown to increased proportions. It was therefore seen to be necessary to return to the long-used method of transportation and resolve to populate a distant land with these prisoners and unfortunate victims of lust who disgrace the streets of a great capital. Commodore Philipps [‡‡‡] leads the fleet which is appointed for the transportation, and to him as a Governor of the new colony has been entrusted the whole enterprise. The nearness of New Zealand, the excellent flax plant (Phormium) that grows so abundantly there and its incomparable shipbuilding timber; the pearl-oyster banks further down along the coast of New Holland and perhaps the export to India and even to Europe of some yet to be discovered product of the land or of the yield of the plantations which can be established there are, as it were, the first prospects which this remarkable settlement offers for the future. It all depends, perhaps, on the wise being able to look and discover in rude and degraded men the material for great enterprises, gathering and combining them together in one spot, seeing opportunity, drawing forth the spark of activity, in a word, on being able to educate and civilize men. [§§§]
George Forster’s Reflections
He who considers the merits of civilized life without prejudice cannot
deny that it is only in this state that man first truly begins to achieve
the potential with which he has been endowed
in the form of his faculties, and becomes a true human being, namely
one who is a thinking being, enjoying greater fulfilment by virtue of his
consciousness and ideas than in by merely satisfying his sensual desires and
blind instincts. Certainly Nature, as far as we yet know, has in her earthly
creation made no unhappy beast. All gladly enjoy a vitality which expresses
itself in innumerable and diverse ways, incessantly and skilfully maintaining
their individuality without a tutor, striving to maintain their own form of
existence. Receptivity and contentment are in eternal harmony, and the joy
of life dwells to equal degree in the worm, which when cut tenfold regenerates
each part to form ten wholes each enjoying a separate existence, as in the
human who, instead of such plastic power of reproduction inherit more tender
senses to be guardians of their nature. However, the ranking of creatures
is not therefore any the less defined by their degree of receptivity. Who
would indeed relinquish one sense, just one talent, in order to lay claim
to such a vegetative subsistence? Anyone, rather than being a worm, would
sooner buzz around as an insect, and so progressing toward a state in which
they would remain exposed to several and more various impressions. Those dissatisfied
with the deficiencies of civilized society and preferring the natural state,
would thus choose to forget that refined human beings enjoy their existence
as much as savages, and that the only difference lies in the form of enjoyment,
which for each of them depends on the skills whose aptitudes sleep within
them. However, contemplation is more likely to result in error, such as finding
distinctions where no differences exist; thus contriving a contradiction between
nature and culture, that at most lies in an arbitrary use of words. The ability
to think, with all its consequences, is as essentially intrinsic to our nature
as the instinct to nourish ourselves and reproduce, although it is not developed
to its full potential in each individual. Every individual of a species does
not necessarily develop its typical characteristics. Greenflies lay eggs in
autumn, they hibernate, and a series of living generations spring forth from
them for the duration of the summer. Those well-versed in zoology will know
that where a superfluity of dispositions exists, one often suppresses the
others or confines them within narrower bounds. Reason no longer contends
with the other human dispositions as does instinct in the animals.
Accordingly, where capabilities exist, fulfilment is achieved
by means of their development. Cultural advancement is thus in the interests
of mankind, and population of the whole earth with civilized inhabitants is
the great goal, which we above all see before us as worthy of our efforts.
And is not the speed at which everything progresses toward this goal remarkable!
The beginning of civilization in our part of the world is lost so far back
in grey antiquity that we can do no more than conjecture or accept on faith
what its initial impulse may have been. History teaches us only that its progress
was prepared by a chain of events from one epoch to another. Only in later
centuries did its progress clearly become faster. In each half of America,
the first threads of morality developed a tender fabric of civilization; but
this intellectual impulse was too feeble, too slow to fulfil what was required
in those times, and the gap between the quipus [of the Incas] and the alphabet remained great, perhaps unbridgeable.
Then came
The appearance of a new discoverer,
the immortal Cook, defines a second similar epoch in our day. His three bold
journeys extended the field of geographical knowledge from pole to pole, and
no significant island in the Ocean remains still undiscovered. The consequences of the powerful impulse that this one great man was able to give to his century are now seen to be taking place. Trade
is already joining an intercourse between
Extract from Cook the Discoverer, by George Forster,
translated by P.E. Klarwill
If Cook's voyages of discovery have opened up new vistas for the prosperity
of his fatherland, if they encourage his fellow-citizens to fresh activity
and promote the general enlightenment of all civilized peoples; who, then,
will rob him of the immortal glory of having striven for the happiness of
many thousands, nay, of having sacrificed himself? This merit of the great
navigator is not merely hypothetical, it is not the dream of a feverish imagination
which dares to look into a dark and uncertain future; even now the fruits
of the first and last voyage of the discoverer are beginning to emerge. Between
New organisms arise out of the decay of organic bodies or out of their
waste matter. First these are merely mould and fungi; however, they prepare
the soil for the seeds of nobler plants. From the redundant or harmful members
of a state which it casts off, new societies will soon sprout which by and
by grow to considerable size and strength. A few men of large mental stature
who under favourable circumstances will excel in this new political organization
give shape and consistency to this as yet plastic mass and infuse into it
a formative instinct developing it in all its parts and organizing it further.
One notices with surprise that
the peoples of Asia, whether they remained independent of Europe like the
Chinese, or whether they were subjugated by our merchants like the peoples
of Bengal, Java, the Moluccas and the Philippines, remain static at the stage
of civilization which they have reached, do not intermarry with Europeans
and retain their own customs, languages and practices. It seems that the antiquity
of their institutions, the density of population of all those Asiatic lands
and the rapacity of the foreign merchants who forget everything except their
own profit, combine to maintain this peculiarity of their character; indeed,
the climate has a strong effect on the conquerors, who, from laziness and
ease, have come close to the customs of the vanquished. However, in a country
where the number of aboriginal natives is insignificant; where nobody saves
the new arrivals the trouble of tilling the fields; where no indigenous manufactories
exist to clothe them in cotton or silk; where hence the growth and prosperity
of the new colony must depend exclusively on their own endeavours; there one
should be able to expect with some confidence the endurance of the European
spirit of industry. Thus, together with agriculture, arts and crafts will
by and by originate and will spread and be perfected by trade; industry and
luxury must go hand in hand and even science cannot fall entirely into abeyance.
How much would not a state in the Southern Hemisphere, whose inhabitants were
so enterprising, active and stimulated by the multitude of their wants and
so clever in inventing the means for satisfying them as are the peoples of
our part of the world and the North American free states, change the conditions
of all near and far away nations? New
"Neuholland und
die brittische Colonie in Botany-Bay", Allgemeines
historisches Taschenbuch: oder Abriss der merkwürdigsten neuen Welt-Begebenheiten
für 1787, enthaltend Zusätze zu der für das Jahr 1786 herausgegebenen Geschichte
der wichtigsten Staats- und Handelsveränderungen von Ostindien, von M.C.
Sprengel, Professor der Geschichte auf der Universität zu Halle, (oder
Historisch-genealogischer Calender
vom Jahr 1786), Berlin, bei Haude und Spener, Dezember 1786, Zusatz
7, S.xxxiii-liv; manuscript completed by Forster on 20 November 1786. Re-published
in Georg Forster’s Kleine Schriften: Ein Beytrag zur Völker- und
Länderkunde, Naturgeschichte und Philosophie des Lebens, gesammlet von Georg
Forster, Erster Theil,
[†] With the invaluable assistance of Michael Grunwald and Stephanie Pfrommer; responsibility for any errors or mistakes remains entirely with Robert J. King.
Marcus Tullius Cicero,
Rhetorici libro duo qui vocantur de
inventione. Liber primus, 1,2: "A certain great and wise man knew
what unworked material was in the minds of men, and of how it could be put
to the greatest purposes if someone could draw it out and by instruction
improve it." The rest of the passage makes clear what was in Cicero's
mind, and why Forster considered it an appropriate epigraph: Qui dispersos homines in agros at in tectis silvestribus abditos, ratione
quadam compulit unum in locum et congregavit et eos in unam quamque rem
inducens utilem atque honestam; primo propter insolentiam reclamantes, deinde
propter rationem atque orationem studiosus audientes ex feris et immanibus
mites reddidit et mansuetos [Men were scattered in the fields and hidden
in huts in the woods when he made them come together in one place, and in
accordance with a plan he introduced them to every useful and honest occupation;
and although at first they cried out against it because they were not used
to it, afterwards they listened carefully to his reasoning and persuasion,
and he had transformed them from wild savages into mild and civilized people].
The final sentence of Forster’s essay echoes
The other two “continents”
being the
[**] Numa Pompilius, the second King of Rome, her lawgiver.
Cf. "Numa" writing
in The Public Advertiser of
[‡‡] “Here, my dear friend, you have the requested essay on New Holland. I have done what I could in a short time, all gathered from what I read in Hawkesworth and in Cook’s last Voyage” (Forster to Karl Philipp Spener (his publisher), 20 November 1786, Georg Forsters Werke: sämmtliche Schriften, Berlin, Akademie-verlag, Bd.14, Briefe, 1784-1787, 1978, S.591).
Cf. William Dampier, “The inhabitants of this country are the miserablest
people in the world” (Journal,
entry for
[***] Cf. The Daily Universal Register, 20 September 1786: “It is impossible that the inland country should subsist inhabitants at all seasons without cultivation; it is extremely improbable that the inhabitants of the coast should be ignorant of the arts of cultivation which were practised inland; and it is equally improbable, that if they knew such arts, there should be no traces of them among them.”
[†††] Triptolemus, who in Greek mythology bestowed on humanity knowledge of the cultivation of grain (Ovid, Metamorphoses, V, 646, 653).
Arthur Phillip; cf. The St.James’s Chronicle,
“There is, in addition, in
this enlarged edition of the Taschenbuch,
a new engraving of Lord Cornwallis together with a short biography of him,
and also the final essay on New Holland and the British colony at Botany
Bay, where the English Government intends to found a convict colony, contributed
by Mr. G.R. Forster from Vilna. An essay which will be so interesting here,
in that it proceeds from a scholar who has personal knowledge of that country
and understands the detailed involvement of New Holland with East Indian
affairs. The East India Company to some extent finds the right of the British
Government to send malefactors to New Holland contestable because of their
having the sole privilege to make voyages to the lands between the Cape
of Good Hope and the Streights of Magellan” (M.C. Sprengel, “Nachtrag der
neuesten und in diesen Zusätzen gebrauchten Werke über Ostindien”, Allgemeines
historisches Taschenbuch: oder Abriss der merkwürdigsten neuen Welt-Begebenheiten
für 1787, S.8). “As the final contribution (7), an interesting essay
on New Holland, its situation and products as well as the general perspectives
of the colony which the English are about to establish in that little known
and almost unpopulated country, namely at Botany Bay where the concept will
be realized, Dr. Forster the Younger, Professor of Natural History at Vilna,
the most competent German writer on this subject, has been ready to offer
the aforementioned essay at our request” (K.P. Spener, “Nachschrift der
Verleger”, ibid. S.11). “Dalrymple’s
serious admonition to the public on the intended Thief-Colony at Botany-Bay,
1786” (ibid. S.14). “For the Historical
Calendar for the year 1786, I sketched the short article on New Holland”,
Georg Forster’s Kleine Schriften:
Ein Beytrag zur Völker- und Länderkunde, Naturgeschichte und Philosophie
des Lebens, gesammlet von Georg Forster, Erster Theil,
[****] These philosophical Reflections formed the introductory paragraphs to Forster’s essay. Johann Karl Philipp Spener, his publisher, had wanted to delete this section, as Forster related in a letter to a friend: “Herr Spener castrated my essay on New Holland: to save space, he cut out the Reflections, which are the only part that I can call my own. Luckily, he wrote to me, and I protested so much that he has now allowed the suppressed sheets to be printed” (Forster to Christian Gottlob Heyne, Vilna, 21 January 1787; Georg Forsters Werke: sämmtliche Schriften, Berlin, Akademie-verlag, Bd.14, 1978, Briefe, 1784-1787, S.624). As Forster explained to Spener: “As far I am concerned, it is the Reflections that I made in the introduction which alone can entitle the essay to take its place in the Taschenbuch and that allow me to justify to myself being involved with this trivial matter.” (Forster to Spener, Vilna, 21 December 1786; Georg Forsters Werke: sämmtliche Schriften, Berlin, Akademie-verlag, Bd.14, 1978, Briefe, 1784-1787, S.606).
“Cook, der Entdecker”, Vorrede
für Des Capitain Jacob Cook's Dritte Entdeckungs-Reise…
Updated: June 13, 2018