Series, no. 9. July-August 2005
edited by Dario Manfredi and Rossana Piccioli
ª Groppoli (Mulazzo).
ª Mulazzo.
ª The Centro di Studi Malaspiniani has made contact with the publishing house Diabasis
in Reggio Emilia ( During his visit to the Centro in the month of August, the possibility of future publishing collaborations was discussed with its Director, Alessandro Scansani.
ª Madrid. On the 30th of last June, María Dolores Higueras left the Museo Naval in Madrid, of which she was Technical Director, for a well-deserved rest after a long and successful career. María Luisa Martín-Meras has been named to take her place. It will be difficult to imagine the Museo Naval without Lola and Lola without "her” museum, but we are certain that with María Luisa the collaboration which has borne so much fruit for Malaspina studies will continue. A a volume of essays will be published shortly in honour of Lola Higueras, and the Centro at Mulazzo will provide its own contribution with great enthusiasm. Best wishes to Lola and María Luisa.
ª Ambassador Bernardino Osio, Secretary-General of the Latin Union in Paris, has expressed great interest in the project of a multimedia CD-rom devoted to the life and works of Alexandro Malaspina. Rossana Piccioli is currently compiling content for the disc, which, after its hoped-for distribution in all the Latin countries, could represent a valuable means for making the figure of the Navigator more well-known and famous.
ª Cabra
ª Alicante (Spain). The University of Alicante is preparing a study day as part of the 2005 Cervantes celebrations. On this occasion an elegant volume containing a hitherto unpublished essay by Alexandro Malaspina will be presented: Carta crítica sobre el Quixote y la análisis
ª Mulazzo. The bicentenary
of the birth of Giuseppe Mazzini will be marked by the Centro di Studi
Malaspiniani with a bibliographical and documentary exhibition dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini and other key figures in the campaign for national unity. The opening is planned for the beginning of December 2005.
gratitude to our friend Remo Lasagna di S. Benedetto Po, who has donated to the Centro a precious collection of unpublished documents related to Fabio Ala Ponzone,
the Cremonese officer who participated in the Malaspina expedition.
Dante Research
Valentina Cammarata has graduated with flying colours through her thesis La storia della critica
sull'VIII canto del Purgatorio, Università di Catania, Facoltà di Lettere
e Filosofia, corso di laurea in Lettere classiche, 2003-2004, supervisor Prof. Nicolò Mineo. Several publications in our Library proved useful in the completion of the thesis.
Publications received by the Library of the Centro
R.L. Stevenson, Nei Mari del Sud, Padua, Muzzio, 1994.
O. Raffo, Maria Teresa Cybo-Malaspina d’Este, Sovrana
illuminata, donna triste, Lucca, Maria Pacini Fazi, 2003.
E. Vecchi, Alagia Fieschi Marchesa Malaspina,
Lucca, Maria Pacini Fazi, 2003.
L.J. Bononi, Il tempo delle donne le donne del tempo,
Lucca, Maria Pacini Fazi, 2003.
F. Bonatti (ed.), Vestigia Patrum,
P. Donati, Pittura in provincia della Spezia,
La città in divenire. Il territorio spezzino dal
XIX secolo: immagini e carte, Firenze, Istituto Geografico Militare, 2005.
M. Quaini, La mongolfiera di Humboldt, Reggio
Emilia, Diabasis, 2002.
J. Quinterno González, El arsenal de
R.C. de Marinis
& G. Spadea, I Liguri. Un antico popolo
europeo tra Alpi e Mediterraneo, Geneva-Milan, Skira, 2004.
AA.VV. Italia omnium terrarum alumna, Milan,
Scheiwiller, 1988.
D’Arienzo, La presenza degli italiani in Portogallo al tempo di Colombo, Rome,
Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato.
This fourteenth volume is the last one to be published in the series “New Columbus Collection.” The collection consists of 21 general volumes, plus an historical atlas and a volume on the iconography of Christopher Columbus. Thanks to the benevolence of our unforgettable friend Senator Paolo Emilio Taviani the Centro possesses the whole collection.
C. M. Radulet, Vasco da Gama. La prima
circumnavigazione dell’Africa. 1497-1499, Reggio Emilia,
Diabasis, 1994.
The author casts doubt on the traditional attribution of the journal of the voyage to Alvaro Velho and proposes instead Joao de Sa.
Andrew David, Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Carlos Novi, Glyndwr Williams
(eds.) The Malaspina Expedition 1789-1794. The Journal of
the Voyage by Alejandro Malaspina. Vol. III. Manila to Cádiz, London, The
Hakluyt Society, 2004.
This third volume concludes the English edition of the Journal of Malaspina expedition. Its appendices include::
the Journal written by Bustamante during the campaign to the Malvinas and in search of the Aurora Isles, edited by Andrew David (see the comment below on the article in the magazine “Il Polo”);
A digression by Carlos Novi on the causes which led Malaspina from the Court to La Coruña.
Biographical profiles of members of the expedition, compiled by José Ignacio González-Aller Hierro (the
biography of Malaspina is almost perfect!);
A note, also by José Ignacio González-Aller
Hierro, on the two corvettes;
- A description of the navigational instruments and books used durign the expedition, by Andrew David;
An analytical summary of the major Malaspina archival collections, whether in Spain or in other countries, by Lola
(2004), n. 3.
In this issue we note the article by Francesco Lambendola, Il mistero delle Isole Auroras (pp. 25-39), in which for the first time the question of the islet described by José Bustamante is examined without “fear and trembling,” although with a limited bibliography and also a great deal which is debatable (the author has not read the report by Bustamante but only what Peter Kolosimo writes about it in the volume Non è
terrestre, whose errors he also repeats). Discussing the voyage undertaken by the corvette Atrevida in the final days of 1794, Bustamant claims to have located the islands seen some decades earleir by the ship Aurora.
We would like to mention two articles : D. Manfredi, Noticias
sobre la primiera navegación del Caballero de Malta Alejandro Malaspina,
pp. 85-86.
R. Piccioli, La cuarta campaña oceánica de la corbeta
Vettor Pisani, pp. 107-114.
Pedant's Corner
Centro di Studi Malaspiniani “Alessandro
Malaspina” – Mulazzo (MS)
Mulazzo. Piazza
Malaspina 2 – tel. +39.0187.439712