Sorghum Exercise
sorghum basics
cereal crop
needs moist soils
clay soils
periodic flooding
raster data
"grid of squares"
similar to an excel spreadsheet
each "box" = a pixel ... = cell
each pixel (cell) is "independent" and holds a number
each pixel has a fixed size ... = pixel resolution (e.g. 30m)
x,y coordinates are applied to each axis - gives location
raster data good for
continuous data (as each cell is independent)
elevation vs. soil types
overlays (as raster layers have same dimensions/resolution)
satelitte images (scanned images too)
raster vs. vector
another raster image
ArcGIS House Keeping Chores
map the GIS drive (G:\FRST328)
copy the data to your account
enable Spatial Analyst
Explore the data
pixel resolution
histogram (distribution) of pixel values
alter the display ... so it is more intuitive
Do the analysis
1) create intermediate maps
create each (intermediate) layer
then combine the layers
2) do it all at once (in a single formula)
the model
consider the raw data & desired end product
figure out the steps (analyses) required to connect the two
clay soils
low lying flood area
sometimes done working backwards
want areas suitable for sorghum
require clay soils & flood areas
have raw soils & elevation
... need to "isolate" clay
... need to "isolate" flood"
... then combine clay + flood ... = sorghum