Web Sites for Vector Data
As collected and assessed by FRST 122T students
URL: www.geog.ubc.ca/courses/klink/gis.notes/ncgia/u13.html
Value: 7/10
Description: The information on this site is laid out in a organized manner. For
example; if you click on vector data model, it automatically sends you to the information you seek (which is great because many websites make you look for the facts instead of being people friendly). The layout of the site is really well designed with all headers at the top of the page, so they are easily accessible and people friendly. This web site contains information about all aspects of Vector data, structure, storing areas, and examples of how they use Vector in day to day life. All in all a really useful website.
URL: www.sli.unimelb.edu.au/gisweb/GISModule/GIST_Vector.htm
Value: 10/10
Description: The navigation and layout of this site is fantastic. Everything is easy to locate and understand. The website is very pleasing to the eye with its diagrams and charts. The website provides general definitions to do with Vector, and helps the reader gain an understanding of what Vector is all about. Also the website provides a table comparing the advantages and disadvantages of using Raster Vs Vector . To sum this up this website is really worth looking into.
URL : www.gis.unbc.ca/courses/geog300/lectures/lect3/index.php
Value: 9/10
Description: The information and layout of the site is really well designed. The information contained in this website is straight to the point and easy to find. In other words this website is very people friendly and affective in the way it presents its information. This website compares Raster and Vector data to each other. Explains the advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of each. Also provides pictures to help explain the difference between them. The pictures are really helpful to people like me who are visual learners.
URL: http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/geology/courses
Value: 7.5/10
Description: The Olemiss web site is a university level
learning resource that explains the use of Vector Data Structures. The site
includes information about how a vector data system works and why it is used in
society. The use of maps has become so important for everyday life that the Vector
system was put into place. Topics include Vector types, spaghetti data models,
topological data models and the advantages and disadvantages to all the systems
available in the vector world. The page goes into great detail about what the
Vector data structures can do for GIS and to have the ability to give the maps
to create the detail to be understood. Olemiss web page also has comparisons to
raster systems and other aspects of GIS implications.
URL: www.ablesw.com/r2v/index.html
Value: 8/10
Description: Ablewe's web page explains its views on the
transfer of Raster systems into Vector systems. The web page is expressing the
idea of a Vector system and its advantages it creates in map creation. The site
states that over 60 countries are changing their systems to Vector for the use
of mapping, GIS and CAD. This web site allows users to download a demo for the
use of Vector data structures to compare with raster systems. The page also
elaborates on digitizing and systems to correspond mapping tools, which help
users to understand the vector system. Ablewe's web page has a wide variety of
information on the vector system along with many other aspects to GIS.
URL: www.geocomm.com
Value: 8/10
Description: The spatialnews web page explains the uses of
Vector and Raster extensively and the purpose in which they serve. Like the
previous web page, it explains the conversion from raster to Vector in detail,
which allows people to use a higher quality system. This site is based on a
research group who extensively studied GIS implications and mapping systems.
The information in the web site includes the basics of Vector data structures
to elaborate concepts of GIS information. The site also includes extensive
information on digitizing maps in vector form. The contents of the web site
explain the importance of Vector uses for Geographic Information Systems.