Terminal Weevils - Mgmt
Spruce Terminal Weevil - Mgmt
Site (hazard & risk)
Stand (silviculture)
direct control
Journal of Ecos. Mgmt
type "seda" in search box ...
... Stand Estab. Decision Aid
Hazard Rating
Adjacent stands attacked
see TreeDoctor
SEDA - coast
SEDA - s. interior
SEDA - n. interior
these are MOF estimates
Heat Sum
what is it?
accum. heat above a threshold temp
units are 'degree days'
threshold temp for IWS = 7.2C
HeatSum = ∑ Ave. Temp. - 7.2
e.g. max=14.4 min=10.0 ... ave. = 12.2 ... 12.2 - 7.2 = 5.0 degree days
days with a negative value are set to 0
sum all the days in the year to get the degree days
need climate data
location / density of weather stn's?
IWS values
coast = 888 degree days
interior = 785 degree days
VI map - extension note
Other factors
shading good
rich soil bad
open stand bad (<1200 sph)
height 2-18m bad
south-facing bad
Prescription & Hazard
Nil & Low - plant S with carefree abandon
Med. - plant up to 20% S
High - plant up to 10% S
weevil resistant stock ... can plant more Ss (see Silviculture/Planting below)
clearcuts are warmest and favour IWS
shading would be nice ... consider
partial retention
maintain non-merch if possible
S% as per hazard rating (above) unless ...
improved "A" seed - then up to 50% S in M-H hazard
naturally resistant "B+" seed - up to 30% in M-H hazard
denser ~1,600 sph (vs. 1,000 - 1,200)
mixed species
pure S typical attack rates ~30%
attack rates with mixed spp. ~15%
in the interior ... "clump planting" with Pl
why brush?
eliminates competition for conifers
increases survival & growth
now larger leaders and less shade ... oops
maintain some brush
to provide shade, screening & smaller leaders
but not too much
reduced growth
mechanical damage
its a balancing act (brush vs weevil)
simplistic view
tall overstorey (At, Dr) - maybe brush and live with IWS damage
short brush (willow) - maybe don't brush
JS (Juvenile Spacing)
dense stands ... less infection
delay JS if
high S%
IWS present
delay until pop'n declines
well ... there is a study
attacked increased
but tree ht greater (even with attack)
but wood quality not studied
... who knows??
"mow it down" and convert to other species
consider only if
S required for min. stocking (i.e. NSR without S)
current attack >30%
unacceptable damage
stems >5m ... >50% have major defect
stems <5m ... >50% are stunted (<2/3 'normal ht')
no other high resource value (=get out of jail free)
Direct Control
Leader Clipping
labour intensive & $$$
2-3 x's / yr
5 consecutive years
"Forest Based" Stem Injection
env safe
gives 2 yr protection
labour intensive
"at home"
spray leaders in spring
spray just before emergence
feeding on sprayed leaders kills adults
no eggs laid
permethrins (synthetic version of pyrethrins ... mums)
soil treatment
soil drench with systemic insecticide
"taken up" by tree
weevil ingests insecticide
a nicotine-based synthetic insecticide
pred: Lonchaea corticis (Dipt) shows most promise
para: Eubazus (Hym: Braconidae) shows some promise
egg-larval parasitoid
needs to be introduced from Eurpoe
issue: synchrony
path: Microsporidia - fungal pathogen - not yet well studied on IWS
Tree Breeding (Resistance)
antixenosis (repellents & deterents)
terpenes @ higher concentrations
deters feeding & oviposition
sclerid cell density
tough, hard to digest
damage digestive tract
juvenile hormone
causes ovary atrophy
no eggs laid
kills eggs and/or larva before feeding ring
breed for trees with higher density of resin canals
resin types
constituent resin
traumatic resin - monoterpenes, better flow, soak egg site
phenology - less damage if buds burst before weevil attack
Pine Terminal Weevil IWP
Differences IWP vs. IWS
Pl (Pj)
Interior (IDF, MS, ESSF)
eggs on newly emerging leader & feed UP
OW in leader (higher mortality)
2-5m susc. ht. (not 2-10m)
attack rate typically 5% (not 15-30%)
high - warm & dry (IDF)
low - cool (ESSF) or wet (ICH)
stand density
high - at low density (<1400 sph)
low - at high density (>2000 sph)
stands spaced early
increased leader growth
attack concentrated on crop trees
up to 66% attack
... this is a bad thing
plant mix species
delay brushing until 5+m
shade/ cooler
smaller leaders
if current attack >10%
delay JS
or leave denser stand ~2500 sph
Last, explain why the IWP is ...