MPB - Wildlife
Wildlife Habitat - forest stand structures
large trees
vertical & horizontal complexity (lotsa niches)
rough bark - insects for bark gleaners
dead/ dying trees
primary & secondary cavity nesters
wood boring insects
down wood (CWD)
surface - perches & travelways
loose bark - hiding & thermal cover
modifies microclimate - moisture/ temperature (imp. for amphibians)
shrub undergrowth
thermal & security cover
nesting sites
food - berries/ seeds, foliage, insects
canopy cover
closed canopy - thermal cover & snow interception
open canopy - light ... shrubs & forage
Impact of MPB Outbreak
massive conversion of live trees --> snags --> CWD
loss of canopy cover
abundance of snags (short term)
then abundance of CWD
more shrubs
less thermal cover
less snow interception
Some Management Tactics for MPB
early harvest
density control (JS, beetle proof)
Sanitation / Salvage
less older forest
wider spaced stands
large areas of new plantation
Addressing Wildlife
Partial harvest (retention) measures
applied in selected areas
retain >20% of BA to retain vertebrate species diversity
retain >90% BA to retain mature-forest-dependent species
aggregate pattern >> dispersed
tree patch size >0.8 ha
residuals best in
deeper soils / dry sites - last longer
riparian areas
in patches with high snag #'s
Maintain key habitat structures
large live trees, snags & CWD
in time, may need to create large snags
JS ... leave some "thickets" (security & thermal cover)
Landscape level mosaics
balance timber with wildlife objectives
leave beetle-killed stands in strategic locations
create a mosaic (as much as possible)