Let me put a Bug in your ear
In order to manage ...
what am I doing anyways? (timber vs. wilderness)
what have I got? (ID/ diagnostics)
when is it likely to attack? (susceptibility over rotation of stand)
do I need to worry? (hazard & risk)
do I need my cape? (that's me on the right)
ID vs Diagnose
positive ID
signs are present, unique and recognizable
typically this means the bug
determine the cause based on evidence (symptoms)
follow a logical / analytical process
1) gather evidence
host species
symptoms (& hopefully signs)
2) apply method/ logic to determine cause(s)
exhaustive & nonsystematic
consider each possibility
dichotomous key
previously constructed
series of questions
if this - go to 2
if not - go to 5
"old school", also OK for a novice
but, what if you can't answer the first question?
differential diagnosis
i.e. based on evidence at hand (host, location & S&S)
make a short list ... then eliminate/ confirm
e.g. Douglas-fir, S slope, Fraser Canyon; crown is red
therefore "whole tree is failing"
possibilities (short list)
root disease (black stain, phellinus, armillaria)
bark beetle (Douglas-fir beetle)
defoliator (IDW, IDT)
differentiate (elim./ confirm)
if root disease then ...
if drought ...
if bark beetle then ...
database approach (automated diff. diag.)
Timing is Important
age specific?
plantation pest (cutworm, conifer seedling weevil)
saplings (terminal weevil)
mature (bark beetles)
range of ages (defoliators, Warren's root collar weevil, adelgids)
steady state or outbreaks
Warren's root collar weevil vs. bark beetle
balsam woolly adelgid vs. defoliator
outbreak cycle
steady state, endemic level
building (incipient)
Hazard & Risk
likely damage due to outbreak
liklihood for outbreak to occur
Mgmt decision
moderate hazard but low risk?
low hazard but high risk?
Know Your Enemy
study biology to find 'weaknesses'
host specificity
life cycle
host responses
development over time
long term (good forestry)
"good forestry"
mixed species
age class mosaic in watershed, "mimic natural disturbance"
maintain vigour (thinnings & proper spp.)
maintain old forest structure & legacies (biodiversity, maximize your "P")
short term (kick some frass)
launch an offensive
"harvest early"
remove pine before MPB does
beetle proof
rehab (IWS)
sanitation logging (get the green)
spot treat (too small to log)
chemical warfare
spray (Btk, NPV, insecticide)
timing in outbreak
timing in season
mating disruption
lure & trap (kairomones & agrr. pheromones)
repel (verbenone)
tree breeding (IWS)
passive agressive
delay treatment (JS or planting)
restrict certain species (e.g. Ss or B)
salvage (get what you can after the fact)
shorter rotations (bark beetle)
"do nothing"
too expensive to treat ($$ > benefits)
other resource more valued
wait and see if it even happens (i.e. low risk)
can live with losses (i.e. low hazard)