Ambrosia Beetles
a.k.a. pinworms, pinhole beetles
attack downed trees (LOGS)
excavate tunnels (galleries) in outer wood
generalized life cycle
adults fly in spring/ summer
"attack" windthrow/ logs (kairomones ... alcohol & pinene)
aggregation pheromones ... mating
anti-aggregation pheromone
tunnels into log
white dust on bark
tunnels in outer sapwood ($$)
ambrosia fungus (black staining)
feed on fungus
larva remain 'in place', pupate and later emerge out same hole
biggest economic insect pest on the coast
losses: $100+ million / yr
75% in forest
25% in sorting/ storage areas
premium lmbr → common lmbr
signs & symptoms
log: white sawdust on bark
lmbr with pin holes and black stain
Trypodendron highlights
OW in duff
spring - flight when 3 days >16C (April-May)
poor flyers (4-6 ft ht)
attracted to logs felled fall/ early winter
needs bark on log
life cycle stuff
female ♀ tests log, aggregation pheromone (lineatin)
female tunnels & male cleans
may have 2nd flight in July
egg - adult in ~ 10 weeks
emerging adults are photonegative, NOT attracted to semiochemicals
OW in duff
Gnathotrichus highlights
2 species: G. sulcatus & G. retusus
prolonged spring (summer) flight, (May-June ... July)
less picky about host material
down time as little as 2 weeks & up to 3 years
will attack material without bark ... green lmbr
male ♂ tests log, aggregation pheromone (sulcatol, retusol)
entire life cycle within log, except to find new material
Avoid Attack
hot logging
logs felled fall & winter, move out by March
Tryp. has a major flight in Apr.-May, need to avoid
Gnath. attacks 'any age' and flys over spring/summer months
rapid turnover of logs in DLS
FIFO principle, esp. valuable logs
Repel Attack
water misting
sprinklers - fine mist
poor flyers
no fly in 'rain' or <16C
mist cools the air temp
mist 'waters down' semiochemicals
need constant watering (weekend example)
drainage of DLS
corrosion if salt water
damage from normal DLS operations
terpentine & pine oil
verbenone (anti-aggregation pheromone)
monitor - 30-40 traps (at new site)
reduce/"exclude" pop'n @ DLS - 120-240 traps ... perimeter barrier
funnel traps
pheromone (lineatin, sulcatol and/or retusol)
alcohol :o)
spring - 85:15 for Tryp:Gnath
summer- 50:50 for Tryp:Gnath
trap logs
to attract those that get past perimeter
use low grade logs of right "vintage"
can lace with attractants
and add insecticides
process logs when beetles inside (10 wk window)
logs vary in attractiveness
hard to estimate pop'n - not good for monitoring