This is the sum of all the factors in an environment that reduce the reproductive potential of an organism, can be organized into 4 groups:

bullethost resistance



Physical Factors ( climate/weather, we have no control)


1.        Temperature - (zones: optimal, effective/active, dormant, & lethal)


bulletinsects are poikilotherms (internal temperature varies with the environment cold-blooded)
bullet they cannot physiologically regulate body temp – they regulate their temperature by behavior
bulletinternal body temp > ambient air temp
bulletdue to muscle activity
bulletdark colouring
bulletlarge surface area to absorb heat


Ranges of temperature:

o       optimal range where insect does best (often a narrow range around 26ºC),

o       active range (10/15ºC - 38/45ºC),

o       two dormant (quiescence) ranges - excessive high and low temperatures

o       extremes are lethal (e.g. >48ºC)


Low temperature

o        fatal temperature (both low & high) varies with

o        species (northern beer beetle vs. southern margarita weevil)

o        stage of development (which stages are more tolerant ... depends on the insect)

o        duration of exposure (obviously longer exposure is worse - quick polar bear dunk is OK but longer can have severe consequences)

o        previous weather conditions (previously mild worse than previously cold)

o        time of year (mid-winter vs. late spring)

o      lower temperature means lower activity, thus low temperature means that activity can stop (quiescence), thus an insect will stop all movement and could starve to death if for a prolonged period of time

o    low temperature & quiescence can vary with development stage (1st instar of tent caterpillar feeds above 15C, but the 4th intar will stop feeding when only 15C)

o      insects have a supercooling point (= internal freezing temperature) below which ice forms in the body (this is bad), supercooling point is lower than 0ºC due to elimination of free water, ­ electrolytes, and/or glycerol (= antifreeze),

o        also snow insulates (so if eggs/insects are covered by snow they will be warmer than if exposed)


High temp

o        high temp leads to hyperactivity, then stupor then death due to


denatured proteins


accumulation of toxic stuff (metabolic by-products that cannot be eliminated fast enough)


starvation and/or



o        fatal temperature varies with the same factors listed for low temperatures

o        wood boring insect can’t move fast \ since top of log exposed to sunlight can reach temperatures of 60ºC, such logs have a “sterile zone


Insect distribution - “life zones”,

o        just because there is sufficient summer warmth does not mean the insect will be there - extreme cold in winter can limit where an insect can survive


excessive cold sets northern limit


excessive heat sets southern limit

o        snow cover helps with northern distribution (insulation)

o        years of mild or extreme weather can affect the distribution of an insect ... then consider global warming


Insect development

o        rate of development is affected by temperature

o        within the active temp range, an ­ of 10ºC doubles rate of development (remember Nantucket pine tip moth - 1 generation in Ontario & 4 in Georgia);

o        a cold spring means ­ time of larval development, ­ exposure to predation, \ ¯ adult pop’n in summer


Radiant energy (IR - infrared energy)

o        IR occurs between visible light & radio waves = 0.7 - 500 µ (can't see the energy but can feel it as heat)

o        some insects have heat sensors, i.e. wood boring beetles attracted to forest fires (can be a problem to fire fighters)

o        some budworms attracted to purple reproductive bud instead of green vegetative bud (heat difference is about 5-8ºC)


2.        Light

bulletinsect reaction to light is similar to temp
bulletlight & temp are terms applied to adjacent EMR (0.4-0.7µ is visible light, 0.7-500µ is IR)
bulletinsects can detect heat (IR), light and UV (shorter wave radiation)
bulletflight – some insects fly day not night, others visa versa, others only in a narrow range (dusk)
bulletan insect's reaction to light may change over time (early instars are light positive, later instars are light negative ... why?)
bulletinsects can detect heat (IR), light and UV (shorter wave radiation)
bulletreactions to stimuli (e.g. temperature & light) are
bullet tropism (orientation/direction - usually plant growth)
bullettaxis (movement towards or away)
bulletkinesis (level of activity - i.e. more or less active)


3.        Moisture

bulletdistribution & development are also dependent on water
bulletspittle bug as a nymph has a mass of spittle to regulate moisture, however, as an adult it has a hard exoskeleton and can therefore be exposed to the elements
bullet powderpost beetles cannot develop in moist wood
bulletambrosia beetles cannot develop in dry wood
bulletEuropean elm bark beetle has a preference for freshly cut log but cannot live in dried log (speed of shipping has increased introductions of exotics)
bulletrate of development – there are documented cases of  wood beetles that usually take only 1 yr to complete its life cycle but have taken ~20 yr in unusually dry conditions (the larva was in a piece of furniture, there were no entry holes, but an exit hole that occurred 20 years after the furniture was purchased)
bulletwater saturation affects activity (can stop activity), also affects oxygen & temperature


4.        Weather

bulletWeather is a combination of temperature, light and moisture (wind, snow, etc.) ie. a wet warm spring vs. a wet cool spring, etc.
bulletabnormal weather helps regulate pop’n
bulletlate/early frost
bulletvery cool spring
bulletunusually hot summer
bulletheavy precipitation (especially during mating, also some larva stop feeding when raining)
bulletlack of snow, etc. can all cause sig. mortality



Nutritional Factors ( food source, we can control to a degree)


1.        Quantity of Food - if other conditions are favourable then insect can multiply to the limit of the food supply!  the more numerous a tree species (age a factor too) the greater the risk:

bulletMPB in Chilcotin plateau
bulletspruce budworm in east due to abundance of overmature balsam fir
bulletspruce terminal weevil with Ss plantations
bulletred pine (s. states) used to considered insect resistant, then they planted lots and it got hit with spittlebug, sawflies, shoot moths and bark beetles [this is similar to our Ss and the terminal weevil]


2.        Kind & Quality of Food - insect abundance & development is limited to their food supply, i.e. leaf feeding insects have to develop quickly while leaves are available; wood borers may need 'fresh wood' and cannot utilize rotten wood

bulletleaf feeders limited to develop in one season - some limited to even shorter period when leaves/needles are most succulent (these would need to 'be in sync' with bud burst and develop quickly)
bulletsoil nutrients/moisture affects quality of tissues (i.e. a good food source) and a tree's general health (and ability to withstand attack) 
bulletwood borers food is fairly stable \ can develop over > 1 year; many wood borers have young larva feed in phloem, then feed in wood (their digestive ability advances with age)
bulletambrosia beetle has symbiotic relationship with fungus (ambrosia) – they use the log as a home and the fungus as food  [termites raise fungus as well]


3.        Host Selection one/few hosts vs. many hosts

bulletmost forest insects restricted to one tree species or small group of tree species, e.g. locust borer - only black locust, Nantucket pine tip moth - only pines and eastern spruce budworm - only balsam & spruce; these are easier to manage as you can more easily manipulate species composition if only one (or a few) host species are affected
bulletother forest insects are general feeders, e.g. gypsy moth – they feed on a great number of species – these pests cannot readily be managed by altering species composition




Biological Factors (interaction among organisms)


1.        Competition – for food, space or shelter

bulletcompetition only occurs when a required resource is in short supply (i.e. demand of insect population exceeds resource)
bulleta tree "can afford" to supply food only what is in excess of its’ own requirements (e.g. trees are able to produce more food/energy than they actually require for a good life)
bulletinsects at endemic levels eat only this “surplus amount” of food
bulletin an epidemic there are more insects, \ more is eaten, and now there is competition for a scarce resource
bulletif some other factor does not control the pop’n they will “eat themselves out of house and home
bulletthe previous points dealt with competition between individuals of the same species at an epidemic level, however, there is also competition between 2 species for same food source
bullet Ips beetles and spruce bark beetle prefer windfallen spruce
bullet Ips develop more quickly and destroy the habitat for spruce beetle
bulletthe spruce beetle can only succeed in logs that are not yet infested by Ips or are too moist for Ips beetles


2.        Predators, Parasites & Pathogens - subject for “biological control” (e.g. IPM) – this topic was covered earlier and will be discussed again later



Host Resistance Factors


1.  Preference

bulletthis is due to responses of insects to chemical stimuli produced by tree; i.e. + chemotrophic: positive flight to the chemical
bulletDouglas-fir beetle to α-pinene
bulletambrosia beetle (and forestry students) to ethanol
bulletwood borers to turpentine
bulletpreference is bad for the tree


2.  Non-preference – in this case trees emit no attractive chemicals

bulletbark beetles are attracted to stressed/over mature trees over healthy mature trees, thus healthy trees are not preferred (they don't emit the same chemicals)
bulletmoisture is a factor for wood borers – e.g. wood gets too dry and insect will leave current host for a better one
bulletit is important to note that non-preference trees can be attacked during an outbreak (esp. true for bark beetles)
bulletthe tree has no "active resistance" - it is just not attractive to the insect

3.  Antibiosis - resistance mechanism that is detrimental to insect ["active resistance"]

bulletdistasteful or poisonous chemicals
bulletDouglas-fir beetle is repelled by ß-pinene
bulletjuglone in walnut leaves for bad gypsy moth
bulletchrysanthemums produce pyrethrum which is used as an insecticide
bulletmarigolds give off volatile insecticides that keep insects away - one of the chemicals, thiophene, kills malaria & yellow-fever mosquitoes
bulletantibiosis may not be equal in all individuals of a species (i.e. genetics) -
bulletspruce terminal weevil - some Sitka spruce (Ss) trees are capable of producing a juvenile hormone (JH) such that when a female terminal weevils feeds on the tree it is unable to produce viable eggs [there is a breeding program for Ss and JH is a desired trait]


4.   Tolerance - ability of tree to grow, reproduce or repair injury in spite of an insect pop’n that would damage a susceptible tree (a.k.a. “withstand the attack")

o        age and vigour are important factors for bark beetles, but not so for defoliators

o         vigorous tree have copious amounts of resin and sap, a single boring beetle can’t handle this

§         pitching out of bark beetles often successful

§         also galleries can be overgrown by vigorous tree;

o        tolerance is related to site and growing conditions (i.e. remember soil moisture/nutrients and weather)


5.  Pseudo-tolerance – lucky to escape attack (due to brief susceptibility period or not in sync)

bulletvigorously growing tree is more tolerant (repel/repair attack) BUT can also evade an outbreak – if a certain ‘life stage’ is susceptible, then it is better if that life stage is a short period

o        pine shoot tip moth attacks young stands until crown closure - the quicker a stand closes the shorter the susceptible time;

o        eastern spruce budworm (which prefers balsam but will also attack spruce) - black spruce buds generally burst 2 weeks after spruce budworm eggs hatch, tissue is susceptible but if high proportion of stand is Sb, most budworms may starve before bud burst of Sb - key point ... tissue is susceptible, but it is typically available awhile after larva hatch