Root Disease - "The Others"
Inonotus tomentosus - DRT
Hosts & Range
high susc. - Sx
mod. susc (if /w Sx) - Pl
all others are tolerant/ resistant
sites series
v. dry often absent as no S
zonal - dry - most abundant - S stressed & "off site"
wetter sites - less common (lack of O2)
Infection & spread
similar to DRL
but spores can infect small surface roots
Damage (mortality, reduced increment, decay)
often with spruce (bark) beetle
infected S subject to windthrow
Pl tends to die standing
signs & symptoms
typical root rot symptoms
(although Pl tends to die standing)
red-brown stain
fruiting body
leathery, tan colour (looks like small velvet conk)
present in fall (annual) - not every year
occurs on ~20% of infected trees
@ harvest
alternate species (i.e. not Sx)
stumping/ push-over, IF
robust soils (depth, texture, cfc%)
slopes <35%
... and what about those spores?
avoidance (5m) ??
@ JS - favour alternate species
low - no restrictions (mix spp. is best)
mod - OK if high susc (i.e. Sx) <40%
high - consult Regional Pathologist
Heterobasidion annosum - DRN
2 strains
P (pine) - similar to DRL, E. Canada, Europe, California (H. irregulare)
S (spruce) - in BC, a butt rot, has limited ability to travel along roots (H. occidentale)
Hosts & Range
Map (coast & interior wet belt)
Hosts (HBS)
Infection & Spread
Infection - spores, primary invader
P strain - can travel along roots like DRL
S strain - limited ability to travel along roots
P strain - like DRL
S strain - a butt rot, can kill young trees <15 years
signs & symptoms
white rot with black flecks
red-brown/ yellow-brown stain
base of tree/ underside of roots
brown on top
hollographic bottom
@ harvest - stump? (spores, root travel)
@ JS - spores ... borax?
Phaeolus schweinitzii - DRS
Hosts & Range - range of Fd (CDF & IDF) ... F & S
Infection & Spread - spores on wounds ... tree-to-tree is minimal
Damage - a butt rot
signs & symptoms - BROWN rot, velvet conk
management - nope, but timber cruising ...
Rhizina undulata - DRR
Hosts & Range - coast & interior wet belt ... conifer seedlings
Infection & spread - burned sites
sporatic (67, 88/89)
seedling / plantation failure - short lived, mycostasis
signs & symptoms
fruiting body - oozing brains
image 1
image 2
image 3
white/yellow rhizoids (why not black?)
@ harvest?
@ JS?
Black Stain - DRB
Ophiostoma ... (Leptographium ... Ceratocystis ... Verticicladiella) wageneri - I hate latin names
Hosts & Range
Fd variety (range of Fd)
Pine variety (s. interior)
Infection & Spread - beetles & root contact (rate: 1-2 m/yr in BC)
asco ... obligate ... does not persist in stumps for very long after JS
(may survive long enough in older Fd stumps & cause infection)
beetles act as long distance vector
attracted to newly injured trees (less resistance)
even fresh cut stumps are attractive
can build-up in JS slash
attack at root collar
mortality - NOT a decay ("blockage" & toxins)
15 - 60 yrs
mortality declines after 25+ yr
can get centres of 30 trees
>45 yrs
>80yr & >1000m. elev. are very prone
as big as 50% mortality over 350 ha
signs & symptoms
generic symptoms
stain (useful in live or recently dead trees)
image 1
image 2
beetle activity in the root collar
@ harvest/regen
minimize // remove injured trees (partial harvest, roadside)
regen - mixed spp.
@ JS
favour alt spp
timing - summer months - slash dries out quickly (vector)
do NOT space infection centre + 10m buffer