Phellinus sulphurascens (weirii) - DRL
Biology of the Beast
most damaging agent on Fd on the coast
2 forms - Cw form and Fd form (P. sulphurescens?, Inonotus sulphurescens?)
creates diversity in the stand (age, tree spp, vert & horiz. structure, shrubs)
wildlife habitat (hollow butts, CWD, structure)
can co-exist with other root diseases (DRA, DRB & DRA) ... zone lines
Hosts & Range
Range of DRL ~ range of Fd
Susceptible: Fd, Ba, Bg, Hm
Tolerant: pines
Resistant: Cw, hardwoods
Infection - spores rare, veg. via root contact
ectotrophic mycelium (white-grey in dirt, brown in FF)
in rhitidome (dead bark)
in sapwood
in heartwood when present (i.e. large roots)
rate ~ 50 cm/yr on surface; 25cm/yr in tissues
Rate of spread factors
stand composition (% susc. hosts)
soil conditions (loamy soils, fresh/moist)
inoculum pot'l decreases with time (sharp drop 20-40yr)
most damaging agent of Fd (on coast)
1.4 million m3 annual loss
can lower stand volume by 40-70% by rotation age
windthrow & (girdling)
young - mortality starts ~10-20 yrs of age
older trees die ~10yr after showing crown symptoms
reduced increment
decay (limited, typically 2m)
young tree vs. older tree
signs & symptoms
general root disease symptoms
reduced growth
thin crowns
chlorotic foliage
stress cone crop (many & small)
disease centres (donuts)
but ... diffuse centres
ectotrophic mycelium
white in dirt
brown crusty if exposed or in FF
laminated rot
separates along rings
setal hyphae (brown & fuzzy) btwn the layers
criss cross pattern (... time)
root balls
fruiting bodies - cream/brown, resupinate
"chimneys" (rare on coast)
red/brown stain
root/stump cross-section
fades in a few weeks
Mgmt of the Beast
Mgmt Overview
3 levels: low - mod - high (min. - alternate - intensive)
generally speaking
"don't worry, be happy"
always consider fav alt. spp.
a definite concern & affects mgmt
use "kinder, gentler approach" (Bush Sr.)
typically use the passive approach - alt spp.
"holy crap" or "Houston, we have a problem"
more drastic measures justified
"weapons of mass destruction" thinking (Bush Jr.)
innoculum removal
however (plant vs. stump) ...
site productivity ($$ cost/benefit)
site sensitivity (compaction, erosion)
operational feasibility (slope)
other values (fish, cultural, recreation, water)
survey / assessment
when do I have to survey
related to incidence
low - mod - high
generally for low or high the mgmt options are obvious
thus survey to confirm if mod.
confirm distribution ... stratify
ground survey
area based
ILM - intersection length method (infected length/ total length)
sketch mapping (area mapped directly)
tree based
line transect (2-5 m swaths)
(air photos)
"regular air photos"
infrared - healthy = red, stressed = yellowish-blue
@ harvest/ regeneration
individual centres vs strata
alternate species
conifers (tolerant/ resistant)
hardwoods (immune)
inoculum removal
push-over harvest
factors to consider
productivity (gain vs. cost)
slope (30%)
"robust soils" (texture, cfc, depth)
other values (fish, wildlife, recreation)
inoculum avoidance
5m for DRL
ineffective unless infected stumps reliably marked
partial harvest
challenging, not enough is known
Comm. Thinning
avoid if >15% infected
'cause you'll miss the asymptomatic trees
Young Stands (@ juvenile spacing)
promote "alternate species" - rec.
favour immune, tol. & mod spp.
a.k.a. target the susc. hosts
OK if susc hosts <60% ...
maybe OK if susc.+mod. hosts <60% ...
leave extra trees
should really consult Regional Pathologist
inoculum avoidance = bridge tree removal - rec.
cut centre
and a "buffer" of 5-15m
inoculum removal (pop-up spacing) - experimental