- Map Basics
- What (Definition)
- visual representation of an 'area'
- a model (abstraction, representation) of features on the earth's surface
- to scale?
- 2D (flat, planar) representation
- Why Bother with Maps? (Uses)
- simply put - shows where things are
- shows the "extents" of features (size, boundary)
- navigation - along roads/trails or "x-country"
- terrain/ topography
- shows patterns, distributions and relationships
- pattern of settlements
- distribution of old growth forest
- relationship btwn veg. & wildlife habitat
- depict inventory/ abundance ("how much") of cultural or physical features
- Map Components (Elements)

- mapped area
- map surround (collar)

- Typographical data
- Title
- publisher, year
- datum, projection
- Legend
- Scale (ratio, bar or word statement)
- Orientation (north arrow, graticule)
- Types of Maps
- real vs virtual (mental or digital/ data)
- general reference vs thematic
- general reference
- thematic - special purpose, selected phenomenon
- 'map-like products'

- Mapping Systems