What is it?
= geographic reference
provides a unique description for locations on earth's surface
without measure
Placename (London, Ontario)
Landmark (Eifel Tower)
Street Address (900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC)
Postal Code (V9R 5K5)
Phone Exchange (250, 604)
Census Tract
Political Riding
nominal or ordinal in nature (placename vs. street address)
"point" or area based (street address vs. postal code)
may be 'local in nature" (meet you at Chadwick's field)
at 'global scale' may have repeats (Paris - France, Cdn: ON, YU, USA: AK, ID, IL, IN, IA, KY, MN, MI, MS, MO, NH, NY, OH, OR, TN, TX, VA)
often adequate for cultural features, not so much for 'the natural world'
anomalies - street addresses in some cities in Japan are chronological not 'linear'
"Linear Offset" (e.g. 124 m north of Oak & Main)
Latitude / Longitude
UTM eastings & northings
Public Land Survey System (w US only)
State Plane Coordinate System (US only)
point-based (producing coordinates)
advantages (wrt lat/long & UTM)
infinite resolution
good for all parts of globe (cultural or natural)
no ambiguity
only 1 location possible
but ...
lat/ long
E vs W and N vs. S
digital ... + vs. -
need zone
N vs. S
Closer look at Lat. / Long.
parallels & meridians
how are (were) latitudes & longitudes measured?
latitude ... N star (surface measure)
longitude ... local noon & Greenwich time
DMS -> dd.ddd (computers need decimal degrees)
30 min = 0.5 degree (30/60)
30 sec = 0.008 degrees (30/3600)
convert 36 (d) 14 (m) 44 (s) to dd.dddd
convert 59.7025 to dd.mm.ss
shape of the earth
sphere not flat
centrifugal force
polar flattening
1 / 298 (~ 0.3%)
not imp. for small scale (large area) maps
very imp. for large scale (small area) maps
latitude on sphere
geographic latitude on ellipsoid
= MSL ... extended thru continents
where gravity has = force
variation in gravity (density) ...
... geoid undulates
datum = a reference surface used to determine location (coordinates)
ellipsoid and how it is "attached" to earth
also ...
a survey control network (Meades Ranch, Kansas)
MSL for elevation (i.e. vertical datum)
local vs. global
excellent "local fit", v. accurate, but ...
intercontinental ballistic missiles
navigation (long distances)
time ... NAD 27 vs. NAD 83
can be significant difference btwn NAD 27 & NAD 83
Nanaimo: 49.1642N. 123.9364W
Sydney NS: 46.1378N, 60.1829W
How to determine (interpolate) a map coordinate
method 1: two ratios ... X-multiple & divide
method 2: prorate ... calc. proportion, then multiply
cartesian ("square") grid
often light blue grid lines on map
NOT true N-S / E-W
can interpolate "within the box"
usually not projected "square"
UTM grid often "tilted" ... beware!
may need to "transfer" location to neatline ...
... or look for tics (and "make a box")